
Golf Instructors?

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What does the average golf instructor make (PGA, USGTF, etc.)?

Also would you have to work for only one golf course or could you do lessons on multiple courses?

I know most courses would want to take lessons from their pro, but if you gave the course a certain percentage of your lesson fee, would it be possible to give lessons on that course and not have to actually work for them?

I'm not worried about the play test, I feel I can pass it. I also have no intention on becoming a head pro. I just think it would be fun to teach the game of golf, instead of running the business and PR aspects of a course while giving lessons.




  1. Hi, I can tell you from experience that an assistant pro or a teaching pro do not make a lot of money.  The goal has to be as a head pro.  This is where the money is.

    Many assistant pros work in the northern states in the summer and in the southern states in the winter.  Many become caddies too.

    I chose golf as a second career.  I did not need the money, but the drive to own my own business drove me to open a driving range where I give lessons and run the business.  I can tell you after three years that running the business is more lucrative than just giving lessons.

  2. Generally the salary for a teaching pro vary by local demographics. The more expensive the club/course, the more the lesson will cost, and the more the instructor makes. You'd have to ask your local pro (that's if they're willing to give out that info).

    Most courses would only have you teach at theirs, and theirs alone. Driving ranges are a bit more flexible when it comes to where you give your lessons, but it's best to stick to one location, so your customers know where you are, and can recommend you (if you're a good teacher, that is) to people who they know. Teaching at more than one location could lead to scheduling conflicts, and in turn, loss of business.

  3. Golf Pro assistants make as little as $25000 per year, Pro's start around $50000 per year.

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