
Golf Question; Please help?

by Guest32935  |  earlier

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Why do I always seem to hit the golf ball to the right(the direction) instead of straight when golfing?

&&What is the best way to correct this problem?





  1. Lessons and practice are the only way to correct swing flaws.  Its a well proven fact.

  2. I do the same thing with my drives.  The only way I have found to correct it is to make sure I keep my head down and follow through.  That seems to be the easiest thing for me to remember and then actually do!  Good luck!!

  3. if i were you. i would try to move your lower body slower in ur swing. or u can just swing ur arms faster

  4. Does your ball fly straight right (a slice), or starts out straight forward, then turns to the right (a fade shot)?  Fade shots are caused by the downswing being 'outside-in', meaning you are swinging on a path that is outside (away from you), make contact and continue in towards you.  This produces a right spin on the ball, thus ball flies in a right curve fashion.

    For Slice: you probably have an open club face during impact.  This could be a bunch of different problems: Grip, swing plane, weight shift...etc.

    Most common problem is your body went ahead of the club so when you make contact with the ball, your shoulder is already turned away (not square) with the club face coming in opened.

    Try taking couple practice swings (slowly) and focus on keeping your shoulders parallel to the ball and your head behind the ball. My swing thought was to look behind the ball and not on the swing. What this does is that it will keep my shoulders square on impact and not have my body turn or weight shift too early.  For the follow-thru, pick an imaginary target in front of your ball (any distance is fine) and try to keep your club head forward towards that target after you struck the ball.  Let the momentum of the swing bring the club back around and up.

  5. A couple of things.  First, does the ball fly directly off to the right at contact?  does the ball start out to the left and then curve off to the right?  If your case is the first one, then likely you're leaving the clubface open at inpact.  If it's the second you're not only leaving the clubface open, you're hitting across the ball from outside to in.  Visualize the ball as being a clock with your target line 12 o'clock.  Ideally, you want to hit the ball with your clubface somewhere between 5 and 6 o'clock with the clubface square to the ball.  This will cause the ball to launch slightly to the right of centre (about 1 o'clock) and it should gently curl back towards centre (12 o'clock)  

  6. Why you hit right ? Because your swing is an outside-in swing which makes the ball go to the right after it has been struck. The best way to correct the slice is to take lessons and learn the right basic swing. Otherwise, you will always have the problem.

  7. This is the third time I've answered a question like this within 30 minutes. lol. Your hands are probably open at impact. Go to the range with a 6 or 7 iron, do half swings making sure you roll your wrist over at impact. Hit about 10 balls like this then do a couple of full shots. Good Luck.

    Have a good one...

  8. make sure u make a full shoulder turn and make sure ur weight is in ur heel of ur right foot...and when u practice swing, stick a headcover under ur lead armpit and swing and the headcover should stay there...

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