
Golf Question ???

by Guest56490  |  earlier

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Okay. When I first started out playing golf agian. I could drive the ball perfect and about 250 yards. And now I have been about 1 month into it and now I have a problem pulling up before I hit the ball. Which is causing it to go about 30 yards in the aire then it will shoot strait down and just roll. Will somebody out there please tell me how to fix the problem and quick. ( My first match is March 12.) THANKS......




  1. hey let me help.  it is a classic topping of the ball. you are picking your head up and that makes you top the MUST-MUST keep your head down threw impact.

  2. Think down and through at impact.  It sounds like you are coming out of your stance which is causing you to hit the top of the ball.

  3. Take some slow practice swings with just your left hand. It should help to keep you more flat through impact, the way you should be with a driver.

  4. Go to the range, take practice swings with just the tee, tick the tee with your club.  You will relax, and focus on steady smooth moves.  Your first couple of swings will probably be over the top of the tee because you are pulling up.  Don't worry yet about distance, just a smooth swing.  Then add the ball, but still smooth and steady.  If nothing else works, go to the 3 wood and work on straight / controlled shots, and add the driver / distance in after you know where it is going.
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