
Golf Questions?

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#1: If there is no out of bounds marked, and two holes run side by side, and you hit your ball onto the adjacent fairwar, is that OB or can you play the ball? Can you play down that fairway? Do you have to try to get it back onto your fairway?

#2: If you hit the ball into woods, can you keep playing towards the hole in the woods or do you have to hit it back onto the fairway?




  1. #1 no #2yes

  2. The two previous answers are of course completely correct.  One thing to keep in mind when playing your ball off another fairway is that if there are people playing that hole, they have the 'right of way' and unless there is a safety issue, you should wait until they have passed you before hitting.  Few things are more aggravating on the golf course than having to wait while some guy is playing your fairway in the wrong direction.

  3. If there is no OB you can play the ball down the other fairway you don't have to try and get it back the original fairway.

    If there is no OB in the woods you can keep playing in the woods.

  4. Answer #1

    According to Decision 27/20, because the ball came to rest inbounds it was still in play (unless a local rule stated otherwese.  In other words, it matters not where you've been, but where you come to rest.

    Answer #2

    You can hit the ball anywhere you want, if you feel you have a good shot towards the hole, then by all means hit it that direction.  But normally laying up in the fairway provides a cleaner next shot.

    hope this helps!

  5. 1. no

    2. you can hit it to the green

  6. If no OB is marked you can play in both situations.

    1:  You can play, but etiquette would be to try and get back towards your fairway unless you can play to the green.  Most of the time this is not marked OB unless you would be cutting a dogleg.  

    2:  If you have a clear shot take it, it may be easier to layout of the woods though.

  7. you can stay on the next fairway.but its just not golf etiquette.and yes you can continue to play in the woods your opponents will be delighted.

  8. #1 you play the ball

    #2 yes aslong as there are no OB markers anywhere

  9. try to hit it back to your fairway, but let it go if it stays there.

    play in the forest if you like the owls that much.

  10. 1.  White stakes always delineate OB.  No stakes, NO OB.  Play the ball down the other fairway if you wish, no penalty.  However, you must 'yield' to any players on the other hole and wait until they are past you or give you the go-ahead.

    2.  Stay in the woods if you wish, but its rarely the best choice.  Getting back to the fairway after a bad shot gives you the best chance for par.
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