
Golf Special edition: What should Tiger do to clean his image?

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Golf Special edition: What should Tiger do to clean his image?
He is the most adored golfer but because of his s*x –scandal and never ending excuses, he has ruined his image as a good boy of golf. There was a time, when parents use to give examples, to their children regarding Tiger’s chastity and his determination
with the game. Now, they turn off the TV every time, his face pops up in a Rolex’s Advertisement.

The player struck by bad luck, cheated on his wife. To make it worse, he was involved with several women at the same time. Moreover, his ladies were none of his next door neighbours or fans madly crushing on him. In fact, all of them were either p**n stars
or playboy magazine models.

So what can Tiger do to fix this mess? If he wants to work on his reputation, then he has to go through the tricks which a couple of celebrities used in the past.
The David Letterman approach
Be proactive. David cracked the news of his several affairs, himself, to his staff members. David Letterman is a famous comedian and a host of a comedy show in America. The benefit of this confession was that no one was able to blackmail him. Tiger should
have tried it, but as now it is too late for the repetition of the trick, what Tiger can do is that he should, talk about it often. He should go on Oprah, talk about how his dad pursuing him to win everything, led to this. The story does not have to be true,
but it has to touch people’s hearts. Tiger should shed some tears and bare his soul. Tears always work for girls; they might work for him as well.
The Kobe Bryant approach
Like Kobe, Tiger did call a press conference to apologize to his family, friends, fans and wife. This time he should try keeping himself silent and show the immense guilt through his actions. He should do things apart from his routine, portraying the world,
that he is a changed man. The way Kobe changed his number when he was caught, similarly Tiger should start wearing blues on Sundays. As colours do not have any impact on the results, but changing colours do. He wore red in USPGA championship and it did not
get him victory. However, if he changes the colour of his shirt, he might be able to trick his fellow competitors. Tiger’s red colour is a sign of him being confident and happy. Therefore, he was not seen in red in the first three rounds of the 2008 Masters
.If he turns in blue or some other colour; he will be able to trick his rivals.
The Mel Gibson approach
Like Mel Gibson, Tiger should take a break from answering questions regarding his scandal. Although, he has twice given a shut up -call to the reporters, but this isn’t enough. Tiger should put a stop to all the blogs which are raising the same questions
and act as if he did not hear a single word.
These three tips might work wonders for the world number one, who is suffering from severe setback in his reputation. However, if it doesn’t work, then he should opt for the tip which the “Bettors” are suggesting. Put everything aside and focus on the game.
Practice and refine the swings. Listen to what the coach is saying, as the coach is always right.
At the end of the day, success matters the most, which means, that the moment Tiger Woods will claim a victory at a tournament, the magazines will be flooded with his praise. Newspaper will once again call him a hero and parents will start referring to him
as an idol. This is because success washes away all the blemishes and all the dirt marks from the face of the culprits.
This is it for now.



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