
Golf Swing: What drills can I do to stop going back to far with backswing and still get the distance.?

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I am a 10 handicap ..troubles with accuracy off the tee..probably because of the John Daly backswing I have.




  1. I cant answer without seeing your swing.  But most people who overswing do so because they reverse pivot.  The spine is tipped the wrong way and thus you overswing.  If you coil properly and get stacked over your right knee at the top instead of your left, you'll find you have a harder time overswinging.

  2. When you're on the practice facility start with 1/4 back swings, go to 1/2, 3/4 etc.  When you go to full swings, you're probably letting your right elbow get quite high and away from your body.  Try keeping it tucked in a little closer to yourself.  Good hip and shoulder rotation should help as well.

  3. video tape your swing and watch as you progress. every day brings a different swing. when you are swinging that long it obvious that you will be able to see the head of the driver. show your self what it feels like when you cannot see the head of the club and work on stopping just before you start to see the club head. also take a split second pause at the top of you back swing before you start your first move down. this will help you to slow down and relax. also you will become more accurate. distance will come but accuracy will cut the numbers more than just distance. it is better to be 250 in the middle of the fairway than 350 two fairways over. good luck hope this helps.

  4. It all in you legs and knee flex. If you are making a John daly backswing the culprit is then most likely the fact you are not

    coiling right. To do this make sure your feet aren't turned out to much but do not toe them in, Just make sure to flare the only a little. In your backswing the lower body such as the knees right leg and hips coil or restrict a little. This will give you power and shorten your backswing. If you fail to initiate this coil the weight of your upper body will shift toward the target a bit. This makes a long backswing with no coil and no power or accuracy. A good though is to turn you back to the Target and stay centered. If you can do this you will see your swing shorten and get more power. Remember a long backswing is a good thing as long as you can coil and stay centered!

  5. Set up with your right toe pointing perpendicular to the target line, not toed out to the right at all.  This will restrict your right hip turn going back preventing an overswing.  At the same time make sure you keep the left arm straight until after you have made contact and it folds to allow follow-through.  Those two things should help you stop going back so far.

  6. Reduce the amount of backswing by limiting the turn of your right side and shoulders, and drawing back the club slowly. If you do this you will find the restriction causes the right side to coil , but limits the arc of the backswing. If you flex your wrists on the takeaway and keep them flexed to a point just short of impact you will gain distance instead of losing it because the power is now focused to the impact and not on the length of the backswing.

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