
Golf Tee Off: First hole nerves?

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I play in lots and lots of tournaments in golf, and I have been playing for a long time, about 5 years. A freshman in highschool, my handicap is 8. I got to alot of state tournaments and stuff, and usually my first tee off, is HORRIBLE. On my first drive, i do duck hooks, blocks, mishits, etc. which usually results to a double bogey. This is due to my nerves. Everyone watching, lots of pressure.... Any tips/advice to help me stay calm over my first tee shot?




  1. Look to see what Tiger woods does he seem to be the best at this.  You can also look under golf psychology controlling nervous anxiety on this same site.

  2. Try to warm up properly before you tee off.

    If you are not able to warm up..try laughing

    I am horrible off the first tee. I am like you and hate people watching my game because I am not very good and prone to make some really bad shots.

    Ususally, I will try to joke about myself and the pressure or find a friend and have a good laugh before the hit. This is actualy quite relaxing.

  3. It's funny because you ask a mental question and everybody tells you to club-down. First hole jitters even with a great pre-shot routine can kill an entire round wether tournament or otherwise. This is the time to really focus on routine. Execute your routine the same way every time. Don't take longer on the first tee-box... that's NOT your routine. The same routine every shot. Once you do that all those people and all that pressure won't even matter. Also, what helped me vastly, was to know the club I'm going to hit on the first tee and make that the last club on the range in my warm up. Hit that club on the range before you leave to the first tee. Focus on solid contact and swing slower than you feel necessary. Remember that adrenaline is good, tension is bad. Don't let your nerves affect your muscles and ability to relax.

  4. When you are the first tee don't think. Just try to act like its not a big deal and that you are plaing a round of golf with your buddies. Take to pressure of your shoulders. Relax. Take your normal swing do not try to over hit it to look super powerfull. Hit a shot you always hit.

  5. When you are at the driving range, practice your routine fully and correctly so that you are comfortable with it.  Imagine as if the shot was on the first tee of the tournament.  I suggest adding a deep breath right before the shot you take to clear your mind.  I'm sure all you are doing before you hit is remembering your past first tee-offs and how bad they were and what happened.  All you need to do is take a deep breath before you hit, imagine the perfect shot in the middle of the fairway, and swing away.  The shot may not turn out exactly how you want it, but it will not be as bad, and accept the shot as it is, be calm, don't get pissed off that you made a mistake, just move on and realize you can still make the next shot be amazing.

  6. Golf is very much a mental game as well as physically. Nearly everyone has that 1st tee off jitters, especially when there is an audience watching you tee off.

    When we are so mentally uptight about hitting the first shot of the day, it will invariably influence the tightness of your internal muscles needed to muster the first tee shot. The idea is to relax both physically & mentally whilst at the 1st teebox.

    A relax pre-routine exercises to limber or loosen up all the tight muscles might just do the trick. Take a few practice swings away from the tee off area. At address just relax and try to feel loose, do not tense up. Let go with your easy swing with a gentle takeaway speed and just follow through with your downswing (try to avoid forcing through it) and your shot will be a descent one.

  7. Shorten your backswing, the shot wont go as far as a full swing but 90% of the time it will be straight down the fairway.  It always helps having the first shot straight too, since your confidence grows and then you can length the backswing as you go along.  Check out Arnold Palmer, he always had a short backswing and it will help you even if you only use it for the first shot or two..good luck to you and thanks for the question.

  8. I think we all get the jitters on our first hole, I try to relax and just concentrate. Try to block everyone out of your mind

  9. Think this as you tee off.... 2 to 1 I will slice it.

  10. If you are an 8 handicap, you know how to play the game.  Bogey's and Double Bogey's are not good for a player of your caliber to start off with, but remember, a good player can get up and down after a bad shot.

    I realize that this is not the optimal choice.  Here's a couple of things that could help you get your drive out there of the first tee.  Like others have said, shorten your backswing a little and don't swing so hard.  Ernie Els had a great article about this in Golf Digest several months ago.  Relax your grip and swing about 80%.  I had another friend tell me to "pretend like you're taking your practice swing when you are hitting your drives".  One wierd thing about golf, is that you actually get better, longer shots when you relax and swing smoothly, but most of us try to kill it.

    One more thing.  I had a pro tell me that if you take your finger on the ground in the morning dew and wipe it on the face of your driver it will reduce spin and help promote straighter shots.  This might help you avoid the hooks on the first tee.

    Hope this helps

  11. I used to always get the jitters when i thought about everyone watching and analyzing my shot.

    If you want to play it safe then the best thing to do is to not try to impress anyone. Take a 80% swing or use a club that is gonna have a lot more forgiveness like an iron ( sometimes the driver is the most forgiving for a lot of people but its different for everybody ).

    I also usually try not to watch how other people tee off. I would always feel that i needed to outdo everybody that teed off before me and would end up shankin em everywhere.

  12. It's all confidence.  Before you hit, get cocky.  Tell yourself all these people watching me only wish they could hit the ball like I do.  Think in your head how impressed they will be when they see your drive.  Then physically smile, address the ball, smoke it down the middle.

  13. Switch to a 3-wood on the first tee;  its much easier to hit.  Its a tip I picked up a few years ago and it works.    Deep breaths as you address the ball.  Make sure you have loose arms and grip;  lots of problems occur from squeezing the club tightly in response to nervousness.   Do not take a long time to address the ball before you swing;  the shorter time you have between address and swing is less time to feel the tension.  And relax; its only one shot out of 70 or 80 or 90 that you'll take all day.

  14. I've played in hundreds of tournaments and trust me. You'll never learn to not be nervous.  But you can learn to handle the nerves.  Big difference.  And in time, the nerves can work to your advantage.  Adrenaline when used properly is awesome for the driver. Develop a pre-shot routine and stick to it, especially in pressure situations.  For me, a deep deep  breath is important.

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