
Golf: Tiger Woods’s fall from grace, tries new putter

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Golf: Tiger Woods’s fall from grace, tries new putter
Tiger Woods is a great golfer. Besides having a fantastic name, he is also the world’s richest athlete and is one of the best golfers on the planet. It has not all been rosy and fun for the great sports star because a lot of things have been going on in his life recently that are making news instead of his golf. First there was the admission on his part that he had multiple affairs and cheated on his Norwegian model wife Elin Nordegren. Then there was an accident when he drove his SUV into a fire hydrant. Next on the list was his alleged affair with a p**n star who claimed that her 9 year old son was fathered by Tiger. Finally his most recent controversy, which is tame by his standards, is that he ditched his favourite putter for the British Open. There seems to be no way back for this troubled star.
Last year Tiger Woods admitted cheating on his wife, Elin Nordgren. It put his career on a major hiatus and he took a break of 5 months from the sport. He apologised to his wife and to his fans but it seems he had fallen a great deal by this point. He was one of the richest sports stars on the planet and his endorsements raked in almost $110 million a year. He was living the good life; he had a great career, a great life, a beautiful wife, great kids and more money than he could ever spend in his lifetime. He ruined all that by having an affair with a cocktail waitress. Overnight with this admission of infidelity his career and his life were turned upside down. The first thing that happened was that he took a long  break from the sport he played, then his sponsors started to leave him one by one, next his wife left him and his life pretty much collapsed after that.
At the lowest point of his career and his life, he got into a car accident that wrecked his SUV and had the police checking him to see if his wife had not assaulted him. After all that Tiger Woods seemed to be the victim of spousal abuse. The rumours turned out to be false and it was learnt that his injuries that got the police worried were from his accident and not from anything else. Could it get any worse for the man; well, actually it could. It turns out that a p**n star named Devon James alleged that Tiger Woods had an affair with her many years ago and was the father of her 9 year old son. Paternity tests have been arranged and are just another headache for the super star to deal with.
After all these scandals and setbacks to his career, Tiger finally made it back to playing the sport that made him so famous and wealthy only to find that his winning streak has deserted him. Since admitting his affair and going on a break from the game for 5 months, Tiger has not won any tournament upon his return. He is very worried saying that it is the longest in his career he has gone without a win and he is now trying to make a serious comeback by capturing the British crown. His caddie, Steve Williams is critical, thinking that the great golfer is not at his best and not in top form. So much so that Tiger ditched his favourite putter, the same putter that won him all his championships so far, in favour of a new one. From the way things are going, it does not seem as if this will be Tiger Woods’ year to shine.
A great golfer who fell from grace is a great story but a sad one. He could not be faithful to his wife and the blowback from that has almost ruined his career. Tiger Woods lost his iconic image, many of his fans and it seems the game of golf is eluding him as well. He may still come back to form but does anyone care anymore?



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