
Golf: a complete waste of time or the best hobby ever? Why?

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Golf: a complete waste of time or the best hobby ever? Why?




  1. You have to answer that question for yourself. If you like it keep doing it. ff you don't, stop and find something else. There is a difference between frustration and not liking it though. Frustration is a normal a lifelong partner to golf. Distinguish how you really feel and make a choice.

  2. golf sucks

  3. golf is a great hobby. You get a lot of exercise from it if you walk the golf course. Plus most golf courses are made beautifully so you get a great view. Even if you do not play golf good, you get a great experience of what it is like. If it is not for you then dont do it again. but if you liked it then you have just found yourself a great hobby.

  4. for us over 50 year old it our last chance to fell like we have something left,it sad 15 years ago I could play and walk 36 holes now I have to get a cart after 9 holes

  5. It's not a hobby. The reason I say that is because I have a lot of hobbies. Archery, fishing, building musical instruments, writing and playing music, drawing , painting, etc. Golf is NOTHING like a hobby. It is a life style that is akin to being a biker or a lifer in the military. You don't play golf, you LIVE golf. The time being wasted is not the fault of the game, but instead it is the fault of the high-handicap golfer or the scratch golfer that JUST CAN'T SEEM TO MAKE UP THEIR MINDS WHAT WANT TO DO!!! Hurry up ya'll.

  6. Golf is a great hobby.  I started playing last year and all you need to keep coming back is that one good shot.

  7. The greatest game ever played.

  8. Christopher D   what a response!   Its easy to see why your simple little brain cannot understand Golf.

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