
Golf betting game?

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does anyone know the name of the game where you and a partner play against another group of two. You can get up to 6 points on a hole (with the option to play for double or triple)?

The scoring goes:

2points-low ball

2points-low total


1point-closest to pin in regulation

Also, is the closest to the pin point awarded to closest in regulation or closest in fewest number of shots?

(i.e. on a par 5, golfer A is on the green in 2, golfer B is on in 3. after golfer A putts, he is still farther away than B after his third shot--who wins the point?)




  1. What you are describing is usually called a "6 Point Scotch Game".  The prox is in regulation so in your example the person closest after three stokes (B) wins that point.  You can add another point or two for total team putts if you wish, and of course a "blitz" or "umbrella" (winning all the points on a hole) pays double.

  2. That is the game of choice for betting.  Most refer to it as just a Six Point Game.  Your description of points was correct.  The point for closest to the pin goes to closest to the pin in regulation.  A common way to play is that if a team gets all six points (it's called an "umbrella")  the score is doubled. For example low, total, birdie (must be a natural birdie) and prox (closest in reg) would be 6 for 12 points.  Teams can "press" to level two (or three, or four, etc) and points would be multiplied by 2 (or 3 or 4).  On level two, if you got low ball (2pts) and total (2pts) and your opponent got the prox (-1pt) you would receive 3 for 6pts as a result of the press.   This game must always be played with handicaps.  A friendly game will be a quarter a point or 50 cents a point with limited presses. Presses can only be made by the team that is down (cummulative). At the end of the round, both partners pay the total to the opponents (it is not split between partners).

    The lowest handicap player should generally be paired with the highest handicap player when selecting teams since there is an advantage to be able to hit greens and make birdies in this game.  However, it can be fun to rotate partners every six holes to essentially have three separate games and have everyone get to play together as partners.

    Game variation: Called "Press / Re-press" - Same scoring as a Six Point Game. Team 1 players tee off and Team 2 has the option to "press" after the tee shots (to level 2). Team 2 players then tee off and Team 1 has the option to re-press (to level 3) only if team 2 had pressed them originally.  These individual hole presses are removed after each hole.  A team (if they are losing) can make a "field press" that would remain for the round and start future press-repress sessions at Level 2. The team that is winning (cummulative points) will always tee off first.

    These are great games, enjoy!

  3. We call it "Umbreago" (uhm-bre-a-go)

    We play it as such:

    1 point for low ball

    1 point for low team

    1 point for closest in regulation

    1 point for birdie

    If you get all 4 points, it doubles to 8.
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