
Golf cart prank (golfers only)?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so what would you do if you were say, on the tee on the 4th hole of the 9 hole course, so walking back to the clubhouse would be an incredibly long walk either way, and some guy jumped out of the woods, got in your golf cart and drove back to the clubhouse, and u'd just be there about to swing and suddenly there's a guy driving the f*** off in your cart lol what would you do?




  1. I would call the police and have him arrested for stealing my $2000 set of golf clubs.  Then I would kick the **** out of him.  Then I would come and find you and kick the **** out of you for giving him the idea.  Kids need to learn the meaning of respect, espicially on the golf course.  Its not a place for "pranks."

  2. Let hm get on with it, and then go to the clubhouse and tell them you have lost the golf cart

  3. I would yell abusively at him until he was out of earshot.  The if I found him later I would walk up to him calmly and say "about that cart eali....BANG!! I would flatten him with my wedge and then say "WHO'S YOUR DADDY *****!?

  4. Well the other response would have whoever was driving the one he stole/borrowed chasing him too.  I would hit golf balls at him, I d:::m sure can hit one further than I can throw and chasing the SOB is totally out of the question.

  5. since most golf carts are slow as ****, I would run after him and beat the living daylights out of him when I got him

  6. I would run after him and beat the living day lights out of him for trying to steal my golf clubs.  And if any kids read this, listen up, try this and it will definitely get you intro troubles, at the very least, you will be reported to the marshall, who will definitely hold you and call your parents.  At the most, you'd be physically hurt, and reported to the police too.

  7. spin around at hit a punch watever iron u have in your hand straight at the back of the golf cart

  8. Umm....I would yell after him. Ask him what the F*ck is he doing.  Then I would find the nearest person to me with a cart, borrow it for a bit, and drive after the dude that took mine. It could end up being a fun chase, that might get us un trouble, but hey it was fun.  If no one was near, I would sit there and golf that hole a million times. Just wait for the next cart to come by.  Then if I saw the guy again, I would ask him what the heck he was doing. Say it was okay and ask him if he wanted to golf with me.  Then I'd take him out, and when we got to that hole he stole my cart on, I would jump in and drive away.  Yup....

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