
Golf clubs for a 5:11 14 year old boy?

by  |  earlier

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i played golf when i was 7-10

then i gave it up becouse i didnt have anyone to play with

but now i am intersted in it again

and i have found these clubs and i wanted a secend opinion in them

here is the link:

tell me what you think or any other ideas on clubs under £150




  1. Any set of beginner clubs will do you fine because you only need something to get you started back into the game again.

    Don't go spending alot of money because you might just quit again and that's alot of money wasted.

    You could go and buy a second hand set with a better brand name to them but it doesn't matter.

    You live in the UK so go to American Golf, one will be near you and you could tell them your starting and if they have anything to offer for £150 or less.

    You will be able to try out the clubs on a machine and they could advise what you might benefit you.

    The worst they will say is, your beginning and anything will be fine (that isn't a bad thing either)

  2. Yeah that looks like a really good set for you to start up again.  Mens sets are made standard for a male that is between 5'8"-6'.  So you don't really need to worry about the height of the clubs.  But that set does look good and it fits your price range.  You can find a lot of nice package sets for about that price.

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