
Golf fans were you amazed that Tiger Woods won the US open with a bad knee?

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I was




  1. no,he is a very skilled player

  2. his mental focus is so strong , he did not know how bad it really was . no athelte other than tiger belives that pain is a condition of the mind . the tribute to earl , and earls statement could not have been at a better time . tremdous commercial . great match . he so focused , there was no pain , until later . even if he had not won , never would have used knee , leg as excuse . pure class .

  3. YEAH!! well my dad told me lol

  4. i heard on the news about his knee.  not a huge fan of golf tho

  5. itza miracle

  6. I would have been surprised had anyone else done it.  I'm in awe at the "body of work" that Tiger has assembled. And especially respect his focus.  He gets grief from just about everywhere which I don't understand (short interviews, bla bla bla).  His ability to block out the distractions that others fall prey to is what makes him a superior closer, and a superior putter - two things that totally complement each other.  He will come back even stronger - BECAUSE OF his focus.  Go Tiger, you're an example across all sports, and the pursuit of excellence.

  7. No... I mean come one.  The man benches 300+, can run marathons in a instant, and has the best mental strength in sports.

    He was told he already screwed up his knee and that he could do no more damage to it... from then out it was just a mental wall to push through.

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