
Golf groove paint removal?

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While this is one of the stupidest feeling and most random question I have ever asked, does anyone know of a relatively simple way to remove the black paint from a golf iron's grooves. I just prefer the "cleaner" look of unpainted grooves.




  1. Use a groove sharpener, it cuts the paint right out of the groove.

  2. You could use a groove sharpener or just a heat gun or just a plain old safety pin. The best way to remove paint though is laquer thinner. Take a cheap paint brush and paint a thin coat on the club face. Let it sit and it will bubble and fall off. Wipe it clean with a rag and wash it with soap and water. You also might want to do this outside and read the label before you go seeing if it works on anything else. You don't want to get it on your skin or in an open cut and you don't want to breathe it cause it will mess you up pretty bad.

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