
Golf - help?

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hi, i'm pretty new to golf but i'm improving day by day but there is one thing that lets me down.... consistancy. When i strike the ball wether it's with an iron or a driver i hit 1 in 10 a lovely straight distance shot. I tend to either slice or hook, or often just hit it straight along the ground. Two things i need help on.... I think i try to put too much power into shots, so im wondering if i just concentrate on my swing and hit the ball correct will the club use it power to strike the ball well?. Also how do you get nice height and distance on a shot?





  1. The thing about golf that keeps us coming back for more is that one shot out of ten that is hit just right.

    Consistency is the big key to lower scores in golf. This comes with a lot of practice in hitting the ball right. I think you have the right idea in using the club to do the work. The more you try to overpower the club, the less it wants to do what you want it to do. Focus on accuracy and the distance will come.

    Height and distance is usually a trade off. More height means less distance and visa versa. To get more height you need to come down on the ball at a sharper angle than usual. To do this you should have more of your weight moving forward, or for the shorter shots, just lean forward and don't move your weight at all.

  2. consistancy is a problem with most golfers that are new to golf.

    the best thing to do is go and hav a fer lessons

    arround me they are £10-£20 for a 30 min lesson on your own.

    if u dont want to have lessons then go to the driving range.

    spend a bit of cash on balls. dont worry if you hit a bad shot.

    i started with a 7 iron.

    hit your usual shot.

    if you slice it then adjust yourself and take another

    the same with hooking.

    the best advice is to enjoy the game and not let a bad shot get you down. FORGET THEM

    dont do a fast swing bcos its far

    use a bigger iron and do a slow smooth swing

    good luck

  3. Hi John,

    I will reiterate what most of the others answering this question have said and that's sign up for a course of lessons with a Pro.

    Something else you might like to consider; You ask any serious golfer and they will tell you that 80% of golf is in your mind. There is a set of audio discs I use that teach subliminal messaging as a golf training aid. It's helped me a lot and I recommend it wholeheartedly.

    I hope this is helpful.

    Good luck, keep your head down.


  4. I'm in the same boat with being a beginner but I've had lessons and read up on the sport regularly. I can tell you to have a more consistent shot by having good posture and a good swing. Let the club's weight do the hitting, distance will come later. As for getting the ball in the air, don't be afraid of making a divot or two and concentrate on getting under the ball to create that back spin.

    Hope it helps. Good Luck out there.

  5. I know how you feel. I've been playing for about a year now and still struggle from time to time with striking. I'm smashing the ball well, but it's not going where I want it to. So, I'm getting the correct distance, but not the correct result. Check the position of your feet before you make your swing. Are they on line with your target? On your iron tee shots are you teeing the ball up a little or a lot? With your driver are you getting through the ball (you know the 1 in 10 feeling)? Try a longer iron for more distance rather than trying to smash with a lesser one. Learn how to hit your woods, this can improve you game immensely. Well, I hope I've touched on something that can help you improve and good luck.

  6. Here is a golf guide ebook, it sells very well online, and I have got one too, I love this book very much, there are a lot good tip for you to practice, and now I have improved my golf ability . So I think you can try this book too, go here to see more detail and buy.

  7. It's all in the swing

    If you are hooking most of your shot your swing is wrong - if you have teh money go get a few lessons - well worth the investment if you plan on playing regularly
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