
Golf in Video Games

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Golf in Video Games

The last golf video game that really made news was the EA’s Tiger Wood’s PGA Golf. The launch of this game made news all around the world with golf fans dying to buy it. This game has long been established as the best golf game. Even though, these days,
there are many downloadable mini golf games, not many are generating a lot of profit.
Along with the Tiger Woods game, another famous game was Hot Shots Golf. An Out of Bounds game released for the PS3. Having been released two and a half years ago, EA has been dominating in the golf video games arena.
It’s fair enough to say that they have a monopoly which is acceptable only because those games are really good. Despite the success, there is still a lot of room for improvement. EA is good but they are not perfect and many other companies don’t attempt
to challenge their superiority, especially on 360 X Box and PS3. It was a well known fact that no company has ever challenged EA in the making of video games for golf until now. With the PlayStation releasing John Daly’s ProStroke Golf and that too on a budget
price, it appears that EA has competition.
Ever since the sport of golf was introduced in Wii sports, a lot of producers have attempted to alter the flawless golf game using motion controls. For a couple of years, EA only marketed the Wii versions of Woods game instead of the 360 and PS3. It is a
notion commonly misinterpreted by companies that people really wish to use motion controls for golf. It is true that using motion sensors is a good concept and really makes the player feel as though he or she is actively involved in the game, but there are
also those who are fanatic about traditional controllers.
With so much competition in the video gaming world of golf, the Pro stroke really made news. Unlucky for John Daly, the game isn’t receiving a lot of positive feedback. The menu is really bare and the game utilizes unlicensed music. According to customer
feedback, the commentary is very general and not many would like listening to it. Some say that the feedback on improving your shots is worth listening to but listening to “I bet he wants to forget about that hole” 3 times consecutively is very irritating.
Another thing about the game is the graphics. The graphics of the game are not very appealing and there are many ways in which they could be made better. Even though the Tiger Wood’s game doesn’t have very amazing graphics, but as compared to Pro stroke,
it’s at a much higher level. Overall when talking about graphics, it is the Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds game that wins the award. That game had appealing design and showcased HD graphics in amazing fashion.
Despite its problems, the Pro Stroke game does manage to flow well with the PlayStation Move. Since it was the company’s first attempt, they should get credit for making the experience feel very real. The play station move is precise enough to figure out
how exact the shot would be in real life. It can also detect the smallest wrist movements leading to pulls and shanks. The swinging motion of the club can pick up perfectly and the users didn’t have a problem with the mechanics of proStroke golf.
Overall, the ProStroke golf is a very dry video game. The players can enter tournaments, as well as practice rounds but it doesn’t provide the players with the same pleasure as the Tiger Woods one. It is truly up to the viewers depending on what they’re
looking for.


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