
Golf: mental mindset?

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how do u set ur mind to be able 2 shoot low.




  1. There are 3 types of golfers. Ones with great mental game and no skill. Ones with great skill and no mental game. And last but not least the pros who possess both. The rest of us are an uneven blend of the first two. Not to say that we cannot hone either to a higher level and bring ourselves closer to the pros. There are +2 handicappers among us that are living proof of that. So what is it about the mental game? Well you have to establish a routine that focusses you on the shot you are about to take. You pull your glove and focus. You stand behind your ball. You look at the target. You take your time and figure out the exact flight path of this shot. You make sure that your lie will let you hit that shot. You adjust. You take a couple of practice swings. You move to address. You aim. You waggle. You look at the target. You make sure you are comfortable with the shot. You aim. You adjust. You make sure the clubface is correct. You look at the target for the last time and you look back to the ball and react. BANG!You pulled the trigger and skulled it into the hazard. It wasn't your routine that made that shot it was that hideous swing of yours. So now what? Change your swing? Your grip? These thoughts are what a lot of us go through. The key is. Bad shots are going to happen but that sequence of pre-shot routine that I just outlined will cause you to have a lot less bad shots. If you are confident with your swing that is the biggest part of it. You MUST not let swing thoughts destroy your game. The best way to do so is to make a pre-shot routine that doesn't allow it. Watch the pros. They think about their swing before they address the ball. Once they address they do the same things to make sure they are lined up and will strike accurately and they look at the target, ball FIRE! It's reactionary. All that stuff before swinging is thinking about shot pattern distance really trying to envision the shot but once they are over the ball it's reactionary. The best part of their game is mental. They mostly never second guess themselves. Look at Tiger Woods. This guy has hit shots, as the LEADER in the final rounds of PGA tounaments, into the stands, off of buildings, into the trees, off of rocks, out from under rocks for that matter and he is going to break 18 majors before long it's just a matter of time. How can he do all of that and still finish under par? Still win by 10 strokes? The answer is one shot at a time. He never second guesses his ability. Sometimes the pros step back because their routine didn't put them in the right place and it set off a mental alarm, maybe. But they don't second guess thier ability to play the game. If they do they are not pros for long. So to answer your question. You have the ability in physical capacity, develop a routine that starts with a trigger. Adjust your glove, spin your club, tap your toe etc. etc. This trigger will vault you into your routine that you develop yourself and make you focus on it and all you see is this shot, your target and when your ready step up adjust aim look up look down and fire that shot. Develop this over a few thousand balls at the range(don't think I'm joking) and another thousand putts on the practice green and your mental game will increase faster than ever. But remember, and this is key, your routine has to get you focussed on this shot. Wether chip, putt, bunker-shot, tee-shot etc., THIS shot, not the next shot not the last. If you feel tired keep tapping that toe or pulling your glove or stabbing yourself with your divot tool until you feel focussed enough to start it. I hope this helps you and anyone else who reads this. I think it helped me a little. Good luck.

  2. If you could do this by just reading about it, everyone would be as good as Tiger.   It takes commitment and discipline.  You have to believe you can shoot low.  You have to be able to focus 100% on one shot.  You have to be able to forget bad shots and not let them get you mad or discouraged so they affect your next shot.

  3. take each shot seperately.  dont think too far ahead in the round or u will take an easy shot for granted.  put some time into the shot..but at the same time dont over think it!

    most importantly...dont get lazy at the end of the round.  keep reading each green and follow the same routine throughout the whole round.

    u have to have balance.

  4. relax when your ready to take your shot, dont be to anxious.

  5. I develop a game plan before I play and everything i do during the round mentally relates to my game plan. i have found that if you have something constructive to think about, it eliminates the need to let your mind wander into negative thoughts, Also be sure to consider your game plan carefully and know what your going to shoot if your plan works, and never think about your score while you play. It works.

  6. Concentrate on process, not product.  It is very easy to get defensive when you have a good round going.  Try to stay aggressive and in your routine, mentally and physically.  But this all easier said than done.  Even the tour guys struggle to maximize their true scoring potential.
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