
Golf mk III engine temperature?

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I just bought a 94' Golf mk III 1.8 petrol, and i was wondering whether it is normal for the temperature gauge to be around 70 C? When i get off the motorway, it goes up to 80, but usually hovers around 70 (and actually mostly a bit below it).

Is that too cold? Does it damage the engine if driven like that?





  1. What he said!  I'm about to make Swiss-Cheese out of my Alfa-Romeo bonnet, to ensure all the hot air can get out.  Heat is a silent killer under the bonnet.  A killer of components, power, and fuel-efficiency.

  2. Both of the previous answers are incorrect, and you are right: Too low an engine temperature can cause premature wear.

    First, run the car from cold for five minutes only & check if water's circulating through the radiator - if it is, then your thermostat is faulty and needs replacement.

    If not, then the thermostat's still probably faulty, but just opening too soon - I think the usual temperature should be around 85-95 degrees celcius.

    Finally, be aware that it may be the temperature sender faulty: The only real way to check is to use a test rig with the temperature sender suspended in a flask of hot water in the engine bay, checking the temperature gauge against a thermometer.

  3. the cooler your engine is the better

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