
Golf music?

by  |  earlier

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what kind of music should i listen to while i golf..




  1. Listen to some Led Zepplen this works for me.

  2. Don't know, nobody I know listens to music while golfing.

  3. Music? Golf?

    It never works and your playing partners might be offended by it because it might spoil the camaraderie expected during a round of golf.

  4. a group of pro golfers including the late payne stewart released a cd under the name jake trout and the flounders , ido have one that i fluked out for 1 dollar at a garage sale see if you can find a copy , if not classical , the problem is it is so addictive eventually the music takes your focus away from golf . i guess i would call it mood music or elevator music easy listing . soft music . if you find out let me know i have mp3 player with video dont know how to set up

  5. music that gets you motivated, beautiful day by U2 is great

  6. Every song on the "Caddy Shack" sound track blasted at full volume from your boom box. It will be your best round ever.

  7. Well, I am not sure that listening to music while golfing would be beneficial, as it could be distracting. And, it would be very, very insulting to your playing partners. I have NEVER met anyone who listens to music while golfing.

    Before a round, music is fine. I listen to whatever gets me pumped up. Its good to be thinking of song in your head while playing, but actually listening to something would insult anyone else who you would be playing with.

    Also, the cords from the player would probably get in the way of your swing I would guess. My advice is this: DONT LISTEN TO MUSIC WHILE GOLFING.

  8. Britney Spears!! Ask that ball to GIVE YOU MORE.
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