
Golf or Hockey?

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Yeah, 6 Teams out of 30 is not half. And Candadian viewing has declined faster than US viewing. counting both the US and Candian viewers, you still have less than 4 million viewers.




  1. Well the numbers dont lie, thats for sure.

    However I would watch a hockey game any day before I sit there and watch golf.

    Do you think it has to do with WHEN the event is on TV and its competition?  I have been so bored and just wanted background noise and have put on golf on a saturday or sunday just because NOTHING else was on.

    However the finals in hockey have to compete with prime time shows and about 12 baseball games a night or so.

    I think it has SOMETHING to do with the numbers at least.

    Golf is a million times more fun to PLAY than to watch, while I cant even skate on ice yet the last finals game when Pittsburg scored with 34 seconds left in the game when the Red Wings were ready to throw their gloves on the ice because they thought they won was an amazing sports momment.

  2. GOLF is the only game where you have to get your own ball after you hit it . How dumb is that?????????????????

  3. I like watching hockey and i like playing golf. So i guess both.

  4. Golf has been one of  the most watched tv sports for years, still i don't know if the advertising is as effective. I don't guess alot of people run out and buy a Lexus or hire a stock broker because of something they saw in an advertisement watching golf. Whereas no one would drink Bud light at all if not for hockey on tv.

  5. Even if he was right...I'd still watch hockey over golf.  h**l I'd watch the grass grow over golf.

  6. I think the key there is you're talking only US viewers.  Um, with the NHL half the teams are in Canada... if you counted the Canadian viewers (probably way more than the US) suddenly the NHL has way better ratings.

    Anyways your numbers are wrong... there were over 4 million US viewers and over 2 million Canadian this year.... check your facts.

    Also, youre not considering that hockey fans actually pay hundreds of $ to watch in person.

  7. Golf is my summer's hockey. I need both to keep me balanced.

  8. Golf isn't a sport.

  9. Simple.  Old people watch golf.  They are home all the time, in the middle of the day when golf is aired, and they have nothing to do.

    hockey games are on late, start as 8.  old folks don't stay up, esp til 1 am like the other night in detroit.  And most people who watch golf do so because nothing else is on at 1pm. Golf doesn't compete with prime time.

    Woods is stupid and should try on some skates sometime. Loser.

  10. Sounds to me like Tiger is still a dillhole.

  11. I think the ratings are flawed.

    Besides, here's my comment: "I don't think anybody watches golf anymore.  They play it."

    And frankly, who cares what Tiger thinks?  Ask the most recent Nobel Prize winner what he thinks about hockey and i doubt anybody would be writing an article based on his opinion.  Not sure why anybody here takes a guy who can't even figure out his own ethnicity seriously?

  12. Hockey is the ONLY sport .... everything else is just a game

  13. The demographic that watches golf (for the most part, I know this is a generalization) is older, my grandfather watches every single tourny, and while he enjoys hockey, he doesn't stay up late enough to catch the bulk of the games.

    The Stanley Cup Finals are on late, they have a lot of competition (PRIME TIME Network TV) we all know in most households (gentle) men defer to the women until they go to bed, and lets face it, most NHL teams only have regional support. People watch the PGA tour and see players from all over the world. The Stanley Cup finals features two cities. Granted there are fans outside of the regions, but not nearly as many as some other sports. Another reason for the ratings (I believe) is people gather to watch the Stanley Cup Finals. Sports Bars, Other Friends houses, etc. are packed with people watching, and that isn't reflected in the ratings. Who throws a Masters Party?

    Tiger is not right, I believe hockey is back on the upswing, and while it may never get back to where it was, it will continue to gain fans because we have some young charismatic players, and strong (or building) teams in major markets (NY, Detroit, Chicago).

  14. hockey

    The Detroit Red Wings!

    tiger's just upset he can't skate!

  15. Sounds to me like 6.5 million people still watch hockey so I guess he was WRONG. He said "who" that would imply no one, or very few. Since the Masters is only getting around 10 million it isn't that much more. Now if an NFL FOOTBALL player said that considering their numbers in the U.S. then it would be a different argument. Seriously though I still say I don't care what Tiger Woods opinion of hockey is. I don't like/watch golf and he doesn't like hockey. Doesn't mean he isn't a great golfer. Like I also said though if the tournament wasn't in a Stanley Cup city(suburb) then this question never would have been asked. Did anyone ask him who he likes in the NBA Championship that is about to start?

  16. thats hard there both boring but i guess hockey got for it

  17. Hockey all the way! Heck, I don't even know anyone that watches golf as far as I know. If I watched golf I think I would fall asleep...playing it might be another story but watching is the most boring thing I have ever witnessed in my life. At least hockey is interesting. No offense, but the only people I know of that are interested in golf are old men. 8 million of those golf fans are probably old men who like to play golf on the weekends or something.

  18. I am guessing that tomorrow Tigger is going to say , "who watches soccer (futbol) anymore". Golf? If you call putting a ball into a gopher hole a sport, then you got more issues than anyone else in the world.

  19. It depends on whether I'm looking for excitement or having a hard time going to sleep.

    What do you expect from a market that, when the Olympics come around, all they want to watch is a bunch of pre-pubescent little girls tumbling around or a bunch of fruit loops on ice.

  20. Fact: OLD people can even play golf.  

    'Nuff said.

  21. Well golf suck and hockey is much better and Tiger is an idiot.

  22. I'd watch hockey first, but I'd take golf over the NHL in a heartbeat.  NHL on NBC makes me regurgitate.

  23. golf

  24. all i have to say players play golf in their leisure time and golfers jerk off in their leisure time...

    id say hockey is the better sport

  25. nice stats. I think that the main reason the ratings are so low is because of the strike like you said. if there wasn't one than we might be right up there with golf. However, I still think that 2.6 million people count as somebody. If no one watched hockey it would be 0 million. It was still rude of him to say. Like a couple other people said, golf is a lot more fun to play than watch. The game relys on only you. No team and no contact. if that makes a game boring to play, well sorry. Golf IS a sport even if there is no one to push or run in to.

  26. Well I'm sure if golf had 82 tournaments a year plus a playoffs there were viewership would be different.What do you think the ratings are for the Triple Crown in horse racing does that mean more people love that more then golf or hockey?All you kept talking about is the Masters.What was the viewership for a tournamet in Connecticut?The SC last year was bad because Ottawa is arguably the 4th most popular team in Canada and Anaheim plays on the West Coast.

  27. hmm hard one HOCKEY!! golf is like watching grass grow

  28. I like Hockey.. it isn't a well known sport but at least there is action and you can talk. Hockey players also don't have slaves who carry there sticks around for them (in golfs case clubs) :)

  29. neither

  30. Okay, if you consider golf a sport, you have issues, I'm not saying it's not etertaining to play, but I'd rather watch a 7 overtime hockey game then to bore myself to death watching golf. So Hockey all the way!!!!

  31. 2sport

    Function: noun

    Date: 15th century

    1 a: a source of diversion : recreation b: sexual play c (1): physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2): a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in

    2 a: pleasantry, jest b: often mean-spirited jesting : mockery, derision

    3 a: something tossed or driven about in or as if in play b: laughingstock

    4 a: sportsman b: a person considered with respect to living up to the ideals of sportsmanship <a good sport> <a poor sport> c: a companionable person

    5: an individual exhibiting a sudden deviation from type beyond the normal limits of individual variation usually as a result of mutation especially of somatic tissue.
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