
Golf qstion for 10 <span title="points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest67172  |  earlier

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hi im 16 and havnt played golf in my life before but today i went to a golf course with a friend just to putt.

i found out im remarkably talented at it i kept making 8 to 10 metre putts on the green and i practised for hours.

i have no problem with putting its almost as if i was born to do it.

But i havnt tried Driving i do bodybuilding so im pretty strong i think i can easily learn how to whack the ball 200 to 250 metres.

do you think i can end up being a pro golfer

and can you provide me with steps or a link on how to do this?

what do i need to do enter tournamens yadyada.

once im on the green its game over i can easily do it in 1 shot thank you for your help.

am i to old to one day turn pro?




  1. You need to get a handicap. Play 3 rounds at your local club and you should be given a handicap. And what golfer do youknow that started golf at 16? Also you may have a talent for 10 metre putts, but what about longer putts eg 40 meters, can you knock them dead every time?

  2. No, I am 16 as well and am just getting good at golf.  I just started in February and am also an aspiring pro golfer.  Just practice, practice, practice.  Save your money to get a good set of clubs that you can keep for many years and take good care of them.  Make sure you buy them and you will appreciate them a lot more.  I am still in that process.  I&#039;m getting Nike SQ Sumos.

    Good luck with your decisions and maybe we&#039;ll see each other on the PGA tour one day.

  3. &quot;A putter and a driver do not a golfer make.&quot; As for telling you what to do, wouldn&#039;t it be more useful to contact your local golf association?  Play in a few tournaments and determine the competition you will be facing. Then , if you are convinced you have all the qualities to make professional golf a career, do so.

  4. well you need to play a bit more and see if it wasn&#039;t just luck to put them. some golf courses don&#039;t have the greens to slope right to left or left to right and have it run the greens are not all the same some are slow and some run fast you will see that when you play.

    you might have a talent and be good at putting.

    you will need to go to a golf course and sign up and play 3 games to get a handicap so you can play into a tournament

  5. Having the goal of becoming pro is a great goal. But there is a lot more to golf than just putting and driving. Certainly, these are two big aspects of golf. But you&#039;ve left out the middle part of approaching the green. You should be taking two shots to get the ball on the green on a par 4, which comprises most of the holes on a course. Your approach shot may land on the green, but more often than not it will land somewhere around the green. Then you have the short game to work on.

    I don&#039;t say this to discourage you. It is just that there is a lot more to golf than just whacking down the fairway and then putting.

    Don&#039;t ever take your putting ability for granted. It can come and go from day to day. There will be times that you struggle with your putting. Just look back at the times you were able to 1 putt and then putt with confidence.

    Keep up the good work.

  6. Don&#039;t let others discourage you. 16 is a good age to start.

    You may find other sports you&#039;ve played will relate to your golf (eg, Ten Pin Bowling helps with lining up those 20+ metre putts ... try and putt it to stop just past the hole within 1 metre)

    Below are some web sites to give you an idea of swings (driving and other clubs) but look for a pro to give you at least one or 2 lessons on the driving range so you won&#039;t be practising the wrong habits.

  7. Putting greens mean squat.  There&#039;s no slope on them usually, or at least very little.  And just because you can hit far doesn&#039;t mean you can hit straight or accurately around the green.  I hit it straight, putt alright, not great, but end up getting crappy scores because I can&#039;t get and stay on the green on approach shots.

  8. Sounds like you need to join the mini-golf tour.  And 200 to 250 meter drives...sorry, not gonna happen.  Try playing one round on the course before you decide to go pro.  You will be quickly humbled by the difficulty of this game.

  9. You can do anything you set your mind to.   learning the game of golf is a great time even if you never turn pro.  as far as the learning thing.......get some lessons from a golf pro.....That will set you right on the golf swing and then its just your dedication or lack of it that will let you achieve your dreams.

  10. if your a bodybuilder chances are you will not be a great driver.  Driving is about form, not streignth.  Every one I know who is a great driver does not have a body builder&#039;s physique.  Most bodybuilders have bulky bodies and lack flexability, which is important to a good swing.  So don;t think because you are strong you will hit it well.

    As I have said before, you want to see some of the best driving, watch the women. They have perfect form and no strenght.  Its not muscles, its technique that counts.

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