
Golf rolling the wrists?

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I was wondering if you are supposed to roll your right wrist over before, at, or after contact on your golf drives? Also, what about irons?




  1. It all depends upon the type of shot you wish to hit.If you want to fade the ball, there is very little wrist action because the shot calls for an open face at impact. With a straight ball, again there is some wrist action to get the club head square to the line of flight with a slight roll of the wrists after impact;. witness Tiger Wood's stinger shots. For the draw there is much wrist action for you want the club face closed right at impact so that the ball will curve. What one applies to the woods also holds true for the irons.

  2. Googie is good on this one. One warning I give is this:  Wrist action is hard to repeat consistently. This is why most top players and longest drivers fall back to fade when they have to be accurate and predict their shots. Most of them when they have to put spins on it with irons they close or open the clubface. For long irons they change ball position in their stance and move their feet to create spin. For driver they move the ball and body to create spins. Their wrist action stays the same. The greatest thing about their swings are how they release the clubhead. Look for a video of Colin Montgomerie's swing. His driver releases so far that you swear he let it go and his caddie is about to run after it. It's amazing. The same thing with Johnnie Miller and Jack Nicklaus and Tiger. Their wrists are very consistently static through impact but the club releases forever and their wrists follow this action in suit.

  3. Just a thought.  I try not to let my wrists break down( it feels stiff on the backswing) but I try to insure that my right forearm crosses over my left forearm at and just after impact.  By doing this I have gained huge distances with all clubs.

    Try can even practice this on chips around the green to get the feel.

  4. Well.....!!!!!.....

    ...I guess it's like trying to get Nemo to see the matrix in the movie The Matrix...

    We have absolutely no control over our wrists or hands when they are traveling at 30mph (it's the club head that swings at 100mph) with a 1lb. object in them (it's the centripetal force that makes that the equivalent of 50lbs!!!). It's only the arms, chest, hips, legs, etc. that we have control over b/c they travel at much slower speeds.

    As I've said before golfers convince themselves that they have control over things that are impossible (I guess all people in general). So when "should" you roll over your wrists? You tell me....

  5. There is a natural roll to your wrists as you swing the club and follow through. The big thing to keep in mind, if you want the ball to fly straight, the club face has to be square at impact. Just watch any golfer's wrists as they swing the club. Or better yet take a look at the position of your own wrists when the club is taken back, when the club is about to strike the ball and when the club follows through. Try it in slow motion and see what happens.

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