
Golf ruling. , competition. My opponent plays from well outside the tee box/area.?

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Medal competition. His ball went well into the rough. He claimed, because it was played from the wrong place, it was deemed as not in play. He played again and landed on the green ...2 putt for 3.

I claimed it was a practice stroke and he should be disqualified.

Any thoughts??




  1. ARGH!! Another cross country snooker question well that was another good walk ruined!!

  2. Tee Shot (Rule 11)

    Play your tee shot from between, and not in front of, the tee-markers. You may play your tee shot from up to two club-lengths behind the front line of the tee-markers.

    If you play your tee shot from outside this area, in match play there is no penalty, but your opponent may require you to replay your stroke.

    According to this I think your opponent is right. I can't see how you can claim a penalty for hitting the ball in a "practice shot" because the ball was not in play.

    It sounds harsh but I think he is within his rights.

  3. This is under USGA rules of golf Rule #11-4. b.

    A player that plays a ball from outside the teeing ground incurs a penalty of 2 strokes and must re-tee his ball within the teeing ground.

    Any strokes taken are cancelled. This rule is to be applied at any time until the player completes the hole .

    If the correction is not made prior to leaving the putting green, that player is disqualified.

    The correction was made in your case and his correct score on the hole is 5 strokes.

  4. Push him into the bunker and accidentally hit him with a sand wedge.

  5. In tourny play, you cannot play in front of the tees OR any more than 2 club lengths behind the tees. If you tee off from anywhere but there it is a one stroke penalty and the ball is still in play. If he hit ANOTHER ball, then that ball, as soon as it passes the original ball is deemed to be the ball in play and it is treated as a provisional (which would be hitting 3 off the tee and putting for bogey) HOWEVER if he picked up the ORIGINAL ball then he forfeits the hole and automatically gets the highest score hope that didn't confuse you.

  6. Stroke Play: If a player, when starting a hole, plays from outside the teeing ground, he shall incur a penalty of 2 strokes and shall play the ball again from within the teeing ground.

  7. CAMEL HERDER if i was you i would try and call the police because there must be somebody holding a gun to your head or you wouldn't have to read questions about subjects you don't like.

    bell end.

    oh and a 2 shot penalty for the chap in the question.

  8. I must endorse Noah T Hall's answer to this question as this happened to me in competition a few years ago.

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