
Golf slice PLZ HELP?

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im only 15 and been playing for about 5 months. my slice really kills me sometimes in my tournaments. i have distance but i need that consistent straight shot. what is the BEST EFFECTIVE aid that can help hit it straight everytime. i dont have a lot of money so lessons are out the mind




  1. first I would look at grip, address, and your grip too weak...misaligned at address etc...also try to rotate your forearms at the release point to help square your club face, you may even end up with a draw or slight hook instead which is a better ball flight.

  2. try putting your feet closer together and remember you dont have to kill the ball to make it go just hit it in the sweet spot

  3. Can't afford a lesson then buy the paperback edition of Hogan's Five lessons the fundamentals of golf (it's $12.00 or less).  If you read it and do what it says (practice to establish sound fundamentals) you will not slice the ball.  It could be your grip, stance, posture or swing plane causing the slice, or all of the above, but at your age that book will be the best investment you ever make.

  4. Yeah, I used to slice really bad when I was young because i tried to whip my hips through so hard to get distance.

    I bet this is what your problem is. You do want to use your hips to get distance but you dont want to turn them through too early and cut accross the ball.

    When your hips spin through too fast it causes the club to come down to "steep" and go from outside the ball to inside, putting that slice spin on it.

    The best way i have figured to prevent the hips from rotating too fast is to keep your front knee bent longer during the downswing and not straighten it out until right before you reach the ball.

    Also at the moment of impact your hips should be slightly turned torards the target, not completely turned through yet.

  5. I use 2 adjustments that I can use mid-round if needed.

    1. Strengthen your grip a little, rotate both hands so that the "V" made by your thumb points at right shoulder.

    2. Hit more inside out, so that the club is swinging slightly more to the left through impact.

    Good luck.

  6. To fix your slice, you will need to figure out what you are doing wrong first. Personally, I play with a fade so I don't mind hitting the odd one way right ... and I play off a 5 handicap.

    Slicing is cause by a number of things ... open stance, hands getting to the ball before the club head, hitting across the line (out to in), weak grip, club-face open at setup. Once you figure out which one of these is causing your slice, you can then fix it. Each one requires a different fix so I would hesitate to suggest anything until you know which one you are doing.

  7. You are slicing because the club face is open (the shaft side of the face is farther forward than the toe end of the face). So anything you can do to square it or close the face will fix it.  

    In many cases, the cause is your hands are quicker than your body on the downswing.  


    1.  Move your left foot forward in your stance (toward the ball 3 inches).  

    2.  Make a figure 8 in you swing - take the club back with you hands farther away from your body, then bring them back and hit the ball with your hands closer to your body.

    3.  Make your hands slow down or speed up you hip turn so that your hands and hips get together.

    4.  Get someone to video 10 of your swings, and after each one tell them what the ball did - slice, hook, straight.  Then watch the video and see what changed or worked.

  8. First you're never going to hit it straight evrerytime. Not even Tiger does that. But to answer your question, try rolling your bottom hand over a little more. In other words, make your thumbs overlap more than they do now. I had the same problem when I was your dad taught me this little trick, and it helped me gradually work out my slice.

  9. practice

  10. It seems your not finishing your swing.

    Open your club face really wide and

    try to set up a draw. That's the only

    way to cure a slice.

  11. I've had the same exact problem. I'm 14. What fixed it for me was to first stand a little closer to the ball and make sure that your hands and the club head are in a straight line when they make contact with the ball. My hands used to be in front of the ball when the club head made contact and that was what put the slice spin on it.

    It's a whole different game when you can hit it straight. I eagled a 490 yd par 5 the other day.
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