
Golf..... such a mystery?!?!?

by Guest57086  |  earlier

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im a junior golfer, and i think i have plenty of skills, in the physical aspect, but def. not the mental part. Theres yesterday, i started par,par,bogey,par, then just blew up from there. I think its all in my head and idk wat to do. I need to gain more confidence, because i play with kids that are really good, and sometimes i feel like i dont belong. Also when i plaay good, i think to myself, "wow i didnt think i was this good, i feel like im worse than im playing. My confidence is terrrible, i need to boost. I need help with the mental part if i want to start shooting low. I have Zen Golf by the way.




  1. Golf is a science and mystery because, I really don't know I cant reveal the secret. OK maybe a little listen to this it a bit of a riddle. your walking around on some land yes? Your goal is to hit a ball into a hole that you should act like doesn't exist.

    Score is based on how many times you have touched the ball with any club. A 40 foot chip in is the same as a 2 inch tap in.

    You see knowing all of this makes you realize that golf is 98% physical you need to have good swing mechanics to hit those 285 yard drives and then fire a 9 iron from 140 to 5 feet. Forget the mental c**p act like your playing the game of darts is that a mental game? Maybe a little but really. Golf is a game hit the ball so you have an open shot to the green from there you try to roll the ball as close the hole as possible

    ideally in. If its the social part try stepping up and putting some money on the line like 5 bucks if you initiate this it makes you the agressor regardless of your skill level.

    Have fun good luck man.

  2. just have fun and dont hold your friends up. i usually play my best when im joking around between shots. the when i get to my ball i get focused.

  3. Just have fun! Don't be so serious. Loosen up!

  4. dont think about mechanics when playing around, just play.

  5. If your not happy playing the game, then you should find another sport. The reason your not enjoying is because of the pressure. Your always thinking that you should win or score low. I also played junior golf and I put pressure on myself. I was thinking "I need to be a pro someday" That took the fun out of the sport for me. But after I decided to pursue another career in the future, Golf became fun again.

  6. The whole part of playing a sport is to have fun. So don't even think about the scoring aspect of the game. Just have fun and hang out with your friends. The Key is to use less mind.

  7. You are worrying way to much about how you LOOK playing the game. This creates tension like you would not believe. Your new to the game. Just accept that you will be kind of ugly at it for a while (it takes about 5 years to develop your swing.) As time goes on, you will either develop the mental and physical feel you need to play, or, you will quit. I think more people should not continue to play just because it is "hip" now. If your not good at something, try something else. Please.

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