
Golf swing dilemma, what would you do?

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Right Sorry for the long detail, but hope you read on

Ok I have been playing golf for nearly 6 years and my handicap is 15.

I can hit my 7iron around 150-160. My driver can go around 280 with a good shot.

This season is my first real season I have taken golf pretty much very seriously and I have won a couple of competitions at my golf club, and I am in the final of a doubles knockout.

Saying all has been done with a very flat swing, where as I take away I come around my body to far inside and my bad shots hook and I even pull alot. I tend to pull them on par 3s mainly.

I was going along fine with my swing untill back 9 of my game yesterday and I was hitting EVERYTHING with a high left pull.

Of course this could be just a bad round, or I am going to a bad spell.

I am thinking of changing my swing and sorting the proper swing plane. I could get some lessons and sort of go back to basics. Or I can play through it with my flat swing and fix it that way.

What would you do?

I really want to sort the swing out, I went the range today and just can't do it. So I would need to get lessons.

The lower handicappers are saying sort the swing. Where the mid handicappers are saying stick with it because you have been winning like that, and it's just a bad round like everyone does.

I have had plenty of good and bad rounds, but this was the one that sort of said sort the swing out.

Should I get lesson? Get a swing aid like David Leadbetter Swing Letter? Or Stay the same.

When I am at home I can see the correct swing path in my head and it seems really easy. When I try it even though it feels correct, I know it is not.

One other problem to add to my game is I am going away on holiday for 4 weeks soon.

Sorry for the long detail and I would apprecaite anything you can give back to me, please be constructive and as detailed as possible




  1. There could be many small, simple things you could be doing different. So I found this website that should give you all the answers you need. It tells you how to fix a golf hook.  It is on the website below.

    I Hope this helps.

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