
Golf team name ideas?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend needs a good name for a company golf team he's playing on this week. It's a construction company, if that helps any. I can't think of anything without being "too cute", ha ha ha. Nothing too innapropriate please! 10 points for best answer, thanks in advance!




  1. Fore play

    Jackhammer Putz

    the wrecking balls

  2. The Foremen

  3. front 9 freaks

  4. The Hammer Whores

    The 2 by Fores

    The Rallymen Roofers

    The Shingle Sure Shots

    The DownSpout SportsMen

  5. Back 9 Bandits

  6. Hoosier Daddies.

  7. Golf Warriors

  8. The Gophers! Say it in a scottish accent so it sounds like Golfers.

  9. Best team since sliced bread.

  10. the Golphers :)

  11. The Demolition Dimples

    Hook shot Handymen

    The Burly Birdies


    without being construction related -

    how about:

    The Regal Eagles
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