
Golf tips for beginners?

by Guest56961  |  earlier

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I am already getting lessons from a pro and have all the equitment what i want mostis tips on improving my swing and posture thanks!!!




  1. take a will set you on the right track

  2. A golf lesson or two will probably help, but for the most part it will take a lot of practice and concentration.  I have been golfing for 4 years now, almost everyday, and I can golf about bogie golf.  The best advice I can give you is:

    1.) Grip the Club very tightly (I included a link for a video on club grip).

    2.) Look at the ball.  It sounds stupid, but that was one of the hardest things for me. It is real easy to want to look at the hole or the club, but as long as you STARE at the ball the whole time you will do a lot better.

    3.) Swing smoothly - don't jerk trying to hit it further.

    3.) Practice, practice, practice.  Even with a golf lessons it will take time before you look like a 'real' golfer

  3. Look at your swing in a mirror and compare it to successful golfer like Tiger Woods. Try to mimmick his posture and where he is and the top of his swing. And dont forget to work on the most important part of golf, your grip. A good grip makes or breaks the golfer. Practice alot and try not to get frustrated. Have fun.

  4. As far a posture, just always stand tall with a straight back. Try standing with your whole body straight up, then bend from the hips, not from above the rear end with a rounded back. As far as the swing, just look at some of the best swings of all time and add some of their fundamentals to your unique swing. Also, it helped me a lot to read Ben Hogan's Five Fundamental Lessons. Good Luck!

  5. here's what helped me the most:

    practicing away from the range: i would often practice holding a dowel or even a pen while sitting in the office. removing the distraction of clubs/money/game allowed me to focus on individual parts. i think my grip improved the most from this.

    start with the shorter clubs and work your way up: i would often get depressed while trying to use the 5 wood, driver, or 3-6 irons. so, I tried to master one club at a time. i have since become a sugeon with the pitching wedge, and it helps me to maintain my motivation when i'm slogging through a bad day with the other clubs.

    reading: some people are kinesthetic learners, some aural, some visual, etc. for me, i learn best when I can read instructions. you might want to pick up a book or two to or other type of instructional media. i would recommend anything by david leadbetter.

  6. For straighter drives try to keep your left hand as straight as you can on the back swing. Also do not break your wrist. For a drill stick a credit cart underneath your watch, it'll help keep your wrist square with your driver head.

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