
Golf tips???

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i am 15 and i have been playing for about 9 mounths and i was playing alright untill my last 3 rounds i didnt take score but it would probally be like a 55 on 9 holes so i have totally lost my swing so what are some basic fundimental tips??




  1. If you were playing well before you lost your swing, I don't think you will need to take pro lessons.

    Just get back to the basics - focus, grip, stance, address position, keep your eyes on the ball throughout the swing, maintain a constant swing speed, and don't try to hit the ball too hard.

    Good luck.

  2. Hi J,

    The best tip I can give you is to book a course of lessons with the Pro. If you want some free advice just go to Google and type in Free Golf Lessons and you will find lots of useful info there.

    When you have some pennies to spare, take a look at . They teach subliminal messaging as a golf training aid. I recommend it wholeheartedly.

    Good luck, keep your head down.


  3. Keep your head down, make a good turn, and follow through to the end. It's probably mental if it happened out of the blue. So distract yourself and don't think about the recent problems. (If you've seen Tin Cup, his caddy makes him do some weird stuff to distract Roy when Roy gets the shanks on the range. If you haven't seen it, definitely rent it.)

  4. Seek out a pro and take some lessons.

  5. try these free lessons they have helped me out getting my scores down.

  6. Here is a golf guide ebook, it sells very well online, and I have got one too, I love this book very much, there are a lot good tip for you to practice, and now I have improved my golf ability . So I think you can try this book too, go here to see more detail and buy.
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