
Golfers..... My daughter is 15 & wants to go to the golf course & learn to play golf with her friends.........

by  |  earlier

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Her father says he don't want her to go down there because her & her friends will be cutting up & not knowing how to play she'll just be in the way of the ones who do.

But they have to learn somehow right? Whats your opinion?




  1. If she wants to learn ... why not... let her go. There is a lot of worse thing/places she can do or go... and I would rather see her on the golf course.

  2. Start her of at the driving range, then maybe a small par 3 course. It's easier for her to learn and play after 4pm, because all the so-called good golfers golf in the morning.

    You're right though she has to learn sometime, I mean she can always let the people behind her play through.

    I hate when people say things like your husband, because I'm sure he wasn't a pro when he hit the golf course the first few times he went out either.

  3. Her father is right. Before she ever gets on to a golf course make sure she knows the etiquette of the game, has basic knowledge of the golf swing, is somewhat proficient in hitting golf shots with most of the clubs. Only then should she be allowed to play a course. Listen to father occasionally. Sometimes he does know best.

  4. If they are serious - contact 'The First Tee' program in the area.  Highly recommended in that the program will teach the game, the rules AND the ethics and role 'self policing' has on the course and off.

    If there isn't a First Tee program, contact the local pro and find out if the group of girls can qualify for a group discount.

  5. Send along a parent as a chaperone or guardian

  6. If she really wants to learn then she needs to get golf lessons.  That is the best way to make sure she isn't "cutting up" out on the course and will actually be learning how to play.  And if she really likes it, see if she can join the team at her high school (if she has one).  I played golf in high school and it is a great sport to play.  Just remember that there will be some golfers out there that are really accepting of younger kids playing on the course, but then there will be people that act rude because they think that kids shouldn't be out there playing.  If it's something she really wants, she won't be out there goofing off.  Best of luck!

  7. tell em try putt putt golf's fun and If they can behave there they'll do fine on a course.

  8. see if her highschool has a team!

    that's how i learned to play!

    it is really fun! and she won't get in the way!!!! she'll see her friends do it, and they'll give her tips and stuff so she can learn! good for her!

  9. There's no right or wrong answer to this one.  As a golfer there is nothing more irritating than someone who doesn't know the etiquette but unless she goes down there and gets stuck in she will never learn.

    So let her go and if her friends are even half proficient at golf she will be fine.

    Another way is for her to go and caddie for someone (just pull the bag) who would be willing to explain a few of the unspoken and spoken rules.

    Ask dad if he would prefer her to spend time in the pinball arcades.

    Go for it and good luck to her as it is a great game for good character building.

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