
Golfers dont run or even carry their own golf bags. Why are golfers called athletes when golf is not athletic?

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Golfers dont run or even carry their own golf bags. Why are golfers called athletes when golf is not athletic?




  1. Try playing it, and becoming actually good at it, and you'll soon see what a great sport golf is

  2. Because they still compete based on physical skill and ability.  Plus, most golfers are in pretty good shape.

  3. Tell you what - you go play a round on a 6500 yard course.  Walk the course and shoot par.  Then you can come back and say that golf isn't a sport.  ***.

  4. "Ya call golf a sport? Dont make me laugh. Most golfers would collapse and die from exhaustion in 5 minutes on a basketball court."   _kobe bryant

  5. If you ride in a cart drinking beer than golf is a game . . . . if you can walk 36 and still have it in you to walk 18 more than it's a sport.

  6. Not this old saw again.

    Golf is a sport. Athletes play sports. It requires a different set of skills than, say basketball.

    I'd wager that, in a three hour period, golfers exert themselves more than baseball players, who spend the vast majority of their time sitting or standing around.

  7. Most pro golfers are in pretty good shape, even those that don't look like it.  Most younger golfers work out as much as any athlete, and even some of the older ones have started to work out.

    Some golfers do carry their own bags.  Believe me, walking and carrying your clubs for 18 holes on an August day down here in the South is a workout.

    There are a lot of recreational golfers that are a long way from being athletes, but many golfers do take it seriously and treat it like a sport.

  8. You have obviously never played golf, BTW you're behind in resolving your questions,why am I not surprised.

  9. I would guess that you have never carried your own clubs and walked 18 holes a day for 3 days?

    Especially if the wind is blowing, warm up time, practice. It really takes a lot out of you.

    Try it sometimes.

  10. Only pros dont carry thier own bags! Walk 18 holes at a real course and tell me it is not a work out

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