
Gona be a freshman...?

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is freshman year scary? i start monday...




  1. its great....

    im just going to 10th

    so i just finished freshman year....

    just dont get in any trouble or on any ones nerves

    bcuz evryone hates freshman...  =)

    good luck

  2. freshmen year for me was just wild. high school is the best years of your life. A lot of things will change compared to middle school.. you'll see  

  3. not really. in high school definitely not, at least not at my school. of course as a junior i don't love the freshman, they are annoying and always lost. just don't be annoying and be yourself, and be nice!  

  4. sweetie by no means is freshman year scary ... overwhelming at first MAYBE ... but scary .. no. Don't listen to any sophomores, juniors, or seniors who say that freshman are annoying and are always lost ... they are just on a power trip because they aren't freshman anymore & now feel that they can harrass people younger than them ... just remember you are not alone - all of the freshman in your high school are in the same exact position.

  5. Its different, i got lost my first day. BUT seriously enjoy it. I loved school. have tons of fun..get involved with the school.

  6. its nothing at all like the movies make you believe.  you are  going to be fine

  7. Fine?? Fine??? There gunna throw tomatos at you!! naw jk. freshmen yr is great cuz u get more freedome nd dating is better then. ull b great! hav fun:)

  8. i start monday too!! ahhh summers over :[ you'll be fine! :]

  9. absolutely not. if yoiu dont know anyone, just stay quiet and ppl may start flocking to you. Silence seems to evoke curiosity [or fear] in ppl because its something they feel like theres something hiding in ppl who are quiet. sort of like reverse psychology.

  10. I have been usin this everywhere i can, so if i posted it on one of your questions already or anything, sorry. but i know this'll help, at least a little.

    This is kind of just a generic thing i can tell any freshman, but i have used it a few times now because i really think it'll help. i know it's long, but please...

    for high school, this is some of what i have to say...

    for supplies and stuff, just get the normal stuff, and if you need more they'll tell you. first day if you get to school a while before school starts find your classes, and your locker(if your school has em) and figure out the best routine to get around.

    and other than that which is pretty easy to figure out yourself...


    do all your work get a job(get what you can, i couldn't work for a business here til i was 16) save money, this is the very beginning of your future, and if you don't prepare now you could end up like me, or even worse my brother.

    i have been cut of in every post-HS thing i have tried, and it's because i did nothing extra, made almost no friends, and took HS for granted the first two years, and moving five times probably didn't help, but... oh, stay at one school too, two at the most and never move in the middle of the school year.

    start thinking of what you MAY want to do now, a lot of people choose thier future career off of wanting to help people, and trust me it is not bad idea. after you do that start looking for colleges. is very useful for this. i found almost all of mine this way.

    try not to spend too much money on frivolous things. if you do you'll just end up having $6.43 in your bank account. i know if you have US bank, you can get a joint account with you parent(s), and if you have a job, you can get a debit card(instead of an ATM card), and if you get one, make sure you keep track of your spending and how much you have in your account

    Do community service, looks great on a college app. and if you live in Cali, go here

    it runs every year i think. and lastly, ask your counselor if your school has a class called AVID it seems dumb, but it did help when i was in it, and it looks good on a college app too.

    if you need any help, e-mail me.

    oh, i forgot the most important thing. Make friends and have fun, join clubs don't let it get too serious. because if you do when graduation gets close, it'll hit you hard.

    don't curse too much either, freshmen sound ridiculous when they do it.

    kid, please don't end up like me or my brother. he went to college for four years and is only a sophmore. he only took gym classes and played football, now he is out of work and very poor, he still has a chance, but i am not sure if he'll take it.

    one more thing, quiet people. if you meet any, don't try and force them to talk or ask them why they don't talk, or tell them to say somethin. it can really turn sommeone off from you, take it from a quiet person.

  11. it depends if you have friends at the high school your going to. But my sisters went through it fine and i'm starting monday too.

  12. Just dont act like you are cool and know what you are doing. Seniors will eat you for breakfeast if you try to be extremely preppy in the first couple days.

  13. Haha I was super scared my freshmen year too.

    Im gonna be a sophomore this year.

    Just be prepared for Drama Rama.

    There is ALOT of drama!

    And dont let the older people scare you.

    They will try.

    haha you'll be fine.

  14. Maybe a little at first but High School was so much fun.

    Good LUCK!! ;-)

  15. no not at all i mean you might be

    really excited but you'll be fine and

    you'll prob make new frends  

  16. the best years are freshman and senior, its fact.

    just have a good time, study, laugh

  17. im a sphotmor so i tottally knew where ur at lol but no its really not that bad the best thing is that everyone is new to the enviornment so everyone is nervous/scared and thats OK lol just be urself dont try and be somthin ur not and ull be fine lol

    p.s. just dont get behind on ur work thats the only problem i had i chose to slack off and miss like 12 assignments in math and it messed my gpa up  but had i turned in my stuff id be flyin high lol

    hope this helps :)

  18. no....when you look back on ur high school years (im a jr) you kinda feel like that was your dorky/inexperienced/loser in you were nieve and thought you were on top of the word. Its not like anyone really picks on freshman...i mean of course you will hear once in awhile "stupid freshman" or something but after a few weeks you set right in. Just dont get an ego going on or some seniors will put you in your place lol.
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