
Gone a week cut free already. How can I make sure I don't snap and start cutting again?

by Guest32773  |  earlier

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I went 24 days last time then broke




  1. Cutting yourself is a control issue, as are all problems.  Seems as if something in your life is spiraling out of control, and the only thing you can control is cutting yourself.  Have you been a victim of abuse, or are you presently a victim?  Please realize that you need to worship your body, it is a Gift, and it is precious, as are you.

    When you get busy, you get better.  Make one baby step today by volunteering at a nursing home to visit just one resident who never gets visitors.  There are many, many folks whose family have deserted them, who never talk to a friend, and are extremely lonely.  Call around until you find a place that will allow you to make visits; just find a resident you can see on Sunday or any other day you are free; then read to them, sing to them, do a puzzle with them, or pray with them. You will see that there are treasures in your life just waiting to be unlocked, that you are worthy of love, and you will recognize that within you, there is love.  

    Get outside yourself and stop this foolish behavior that is causing you so much misery.  If you need to talk to a counselor, find one you can trust to just listen to your problems and who will not judge you.  If you search for Stephen Ministers in your area, you will find such a person. Their counseling is free, and it will be a good way for you to let some steam out, without judgment.  I truly hope you take even one of my suggestions, because you are worthy of love.  

  2. short term ... i use a scratch board.. an old nail and an old scrap of wood, i scratch all the pain words onto the board, the discomfort felt in the effort it takes to carve the words into the wood is at times enough to take the edge off the need .. like wise the release of expressing the words in the wood can take the edge off too.. pain, hate, alone, fear ... ( any thing thats hurting you )

    poetrys good too

    as is art

    some folk use snap bands on their wrist..( elastic bands that you snap against yourself for that sudden sting ) though personaly they never quite cut it for me (forgive the pun) i found the scratch board more effective

    beating heck out of a pillow

    or go for long walk into the middle of no where and screaming your lungs out

    a brisk run

    a punching bag

    long term though your going to have to learn ways of dealing and copeing with life and its problems, focusing outside of yourself is fairly good way of takeing a step in the right direction it can prevent things from reaching boiling point with in yourself,

    good luck and congrats on the week

  3. That is great that you have gone a week without cutting yourself.  I would get some medical help to help you through the times that you can not handle yourself.  Cutting yourself is an emotional release and it is very hard if not impossible to control on your own.

  4. I know that you cut yourself because it makes you feel better. What made you cut yourself the very first time? What made you feel this way?

    Is there someone you can talk to ? I don't mean about the cutting just about the way you feel , or your problems. You really need some help.

    For more information go to...

    Its very hard for people to understand why you do what you do, thats why you need to get in touch with people who understand.

    Take care


  5. thats great that you stopped cutting! Just lean on Jesus, he is always there for you!!

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