
Gonna be a freshman in high school high school and really scared!?

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i start high school in the fall and im going to my first cathlic/private school ever. i will know 4 people and im scared because i hear that the girls their can be really bitchy. but i also hear that it depends on who u hang out with. i know this sounds bad i want to be popular. like in 6th grade i was a loser, and 7th and 8th i wasnt really a loser but i wasnt popular. i make friends pretty easily but im leaving my best friends and i worried i really wont fit in. i dont have to worry about clothes cause of the uniform but i have to worry about jewlary,bags,my hair, and how i wear my make-up to like fit in. ive seen pictures of ppl who r goin theirv(like the girls who will be freshman on facebook) and that made me feel really scared! and my brother goes their he will be a senior so like ive seen girls that go their and how they look and their weight and i just dont think i will fit in. im also worried about guys because none of the guys in middle school liked me as more than just a




  1. when i graduated 8th grade, my friends and i thought it was all over and high school was going to suck and be so scary. 8th grade was SO fun, and we had heard all these terrible things about being an underclassman. but i've just graduated high school, and i'll tell you, nothing was ever as bad as it seemed. high school will really be your biggest time for change. i'm nothing like the person i was in 8th grade. in fact, i think i'm 10 times cooler :D

    if you're like me, you'll probably change friends like a hundred times throughout the next four years. you're probably going to have to learn how to be comfortable and confident doing things on your own sometimes. in the beginning, you'll probably do tons of embarassing things, but you'll definitely make friends. and by the time you're an upperclassman, you'll be on top and won't have to worry about much besides getting into college. don't be scared and have fun! don't worry too much about what other people think and do your own thing and eventually you'll become who you're going to be for the rest of your life. good luck! and always do your homework. :P

  2. aww, seriously i was the exact same way.

    just be yourself, don't try to be like anyone else, just accept everyone, make no enimes, be nice to everyone.. i never cared about being popular and i was did what i did and was friends with everyone and i actually ended up being very popular through all of my high school years.

    good luck and dont ever let anyone change you

  3. why do people FREAK out so much about high school?!?!

    just be chill and look nice, it's not that big of a deal, it's just about having fun

  4. my best advice to give: dont worry about anyone but yourself. just do your own thing and say exactly what you want to say, without other people's judgement in your thoughts.

    and trust me, most people like highschool more than middle school.

    dont try to fit it in and just follow people, because then people will see you as the insecure follower that just wants to be liked.. and they wont really respect you. act like your cool and.. dont care what other people think.. and they will see you as someone who is cool and fun.

  5. I went to a Catholic School as well so i know what you are talking about.  Being Male things were a little different than you described, however similar things went down.  Just relax there's really nothing they can hate you for, as Corney as it sounds just do what you usually did in Middle School, at worst you'll have a different group of friends than you expected, at'll have a different group of friends than expected.  Chill out and go for it.

  6. life is not about being popular. once you leave high school you are nothing, and no one cares. if someone doesnt want to be your friend and your being yourself move to the next. find friends who except you for you. dont be like every other girl and worry about pitty **** like that.

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