
Gonzales mishandles top secret material :from the ap wire 1203 090208?

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first firing with out cause then letting aids illegally select justice department members based on political agenda now this is this how the republican party in charge protect america and your legal rights?




  1. i wonder who will win- the white house or it's top lawyer?

    if we are lucky ALL of them idiots will lose and go to jail where they belong.

  2. Got a link?

    I don't trust your interpretation, and if it's just a lefty blogger, I don't really care.

    Edit... I don't normally go to Yahoo News.  I see you still don't have a link to it.  Do you know of anyone who has an honest assessment?

  3. Its hard to get too worked up about this unless he stuffed classified documents in his sock, hid them under a construction trailer, and then came back at night to retrieve them. And then never explained where they went, where they were, or returned them.

  4. Little georgie bush has absolved him from all blame.

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