
Good, Wide Freestyle Board?

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I have size 13 boots so i need a wide board and I Want something good for jibbing and for rails, also something with quite a bit of flex. Thanks




  1. Sapient has a number of wide models.  The ones that look to be a good fit for you are "Twist and Crawl" and "Blitzschnell".  They both have soft flex but are not too noodley.  Rome also has some great wide boards.  Go for "Slash" for a true park board or "Machine" if you want something really soft.  Have fun!

  2. Try the Rome Machine its basically the wide version of the Artifact and the most flexable wide board out there. Good luck with the riding.

  3. Lib.-Tech and Gnu are the two best brands of boards available right now.  I have a Gnu wide and love it.

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