
Good,Appropriate magazine for 15 year old girl?

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Let me note that Im only 15 and that Im also a christian

I don't want to have to look at trash ad's or s*x ed articals so bare that in mind

Know of any good appropriate magazines? Someone suggested Seventeen magazine and I found that highly INappropriate, so other than that. Any Ideas? Also maybe some that can be found at a library so I can preveiw it?

Thanks, person who posts magazines that I end up reading will win best answer thanks!




  1. I would recommend cosmogirl or teen voguge!

  2. Pop Star, M, Star, Tiger Beat, People, Us.

  3. home & garden. the pennysaver. the bible.

    i heard that those are what christians read.

  4. I really don't think you're going to find a single magazine for a 15 year old girl out there, that doesn't have 's*x ad's', or 'trash ad's', or ones without celebrity gossip. But hey, good luck I guess.

  5. Cosmo Girl.

  6. Cosmo girl, Teen mag, teen vogue, Cosmopolitin, Elle and Gils Life! =]

  7. Well I'm 15 and I read American Girl magazine all the time even though it's kinda geared toward littler girls, but it is super clean and offers great activity, craft and recipe ideas.

    By the way, I think it is really cool that you are turned off by those inappropriate magazines and articles. That shows a lot about your character!

  8. Playboy, Penthouse, Vixen, etc.

    But being serious, you would enjoy MAD or MAD classics.

  9. I would have to say J-14, popstar, tiger beat, bop,and all the other cool magazines.

  10. Well, it really depends where your from. I live in Australia and I'm 14. I like reading Dolly and Girlfriend magazine. If you live in America, what about Twist, Cosmo Girl, Teen People, J-14 or Elle Girl. Check out this website to see more-

    You might find something you like there.

  11. uhh,... Highlights ?

    They have a magazine for just about every interest out there . So that is something you have to decide for yourself .

  12. "Teen" magazine is pretty good. I can't really think of any others that you would like.

  13. Asian s***s gone wild

  14. try GL. but it's a magazine for 11-14 year olds i think

  15. elle girl

  16. hmmm good question here are the ones i like(i am 13) teen vogue, young rider (horse mag) girls life:)

  17. playgirl or ebony if you a spook.

  18. well if your a strong christian (like me) then there's a really good teen magazine called something like brio girls.  you  can check out the site

  19. Well what country are you in?

    Id suggest:

    Take 5

    Thats Life

    Total Girl

    LOL I read all those when I was like 8.

    Im into Cosmopolitan and Cleo and Vogue

  20. Girl's Life magazine is very appropriate for young teens.


  21. well that depends on what you like. i would sugest girls life.

  22. M, Bop, Pop star, tiger beat, and so on

  23. newsweek. educate the young

  24. Twist magazine

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