
Good,Bad,Ugly which would you prefer?

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Your sitting with your wife eating at a nice restaurant and a man walks over sit's down at your table explains to you how beautiful your wife is and how much younger she looks than you and then he turns his attention toward her and asks if she would enjoy him joining the both of you for some three some s*x or if she would rather have one on one s*x with him. You do [1] suggest it sounds like a great idea and you willing to join as well. [2] ask him in a stern but restraning temperate to excuse him self from the table and ask for assistance from the waiter who has all so witnessed this conversation as he walked up the same time as the person making the remark. [3] jump over the table and kick the you know what out of the ignorant person allowing your self to become overwhelmed with emmosion and completeting the task quite violently against the dumn sob. Foot note: This really happend and I was arrested for assult with intent on committing great bodily harm by a 3 yr officer who is was given a statement by the waiter stating this exact recount of what happend.PS no charges were filed against the reciever of my beating.




  1. 3 As you see when cos are called they don't have brains enough to figure out what is right and wrong.

  2. I would have told the pig to leave in no uncertain terms.  Beating him up was a bad idea but I understand why you did it.  Once he left, I would have dialed 911 and told the police what he did.  This could have been percieved as a threat to your wife.  He's a pig.  How can a perfect stranger go up to someone he doesn't even know and ask such a question?  Is he nuts?  He could have been some kind of pervert for all you know and could be a threat.  Even now, although it may be to late, I would find out if something could be done.  probably not since you were the one that got arrested, and I can't believe no sexual harrassment charges were brought against him.  Even though I feel you had every right to beat the c**p out him, unfortunaly with out wonderful justice system, it seems to go in the pig's favor.  

  3. Answer #2 is the correct answer in my opinion. #1 is never correct, and does more harm than any fun or enjoyment perceived from it.

    #3 is the choice of most and I can understand why you would do it. However, a few things to remember:  Many police will never take your word over over a fellow officer no matter what. They still have their code   - which is the code of silence in the ranks. Two many police do not care what they do or say as you found out. These are the people that give police a bad name. Sad sorry individuals. Many people become police officers or other authority figures to make up for their shortcomings and lack of security in themselves. Many are insecure, self loathing with a little man complex. Many are simply on an ego trip  and bullies. Sad thing, but you learned this first hand. Before you beat him up you should have called 911 and had him arrested for harassment, assault, and had him forceably removed.

  4. You had no regard for the other diners. Proper etiquette dictates you insist the idiot step outside with you to discuss the details and see if being kicked several times in the courting tackle gives him some small insight into his own social faux pas. No reason to upset the rest of the patrons. These little considerations are important in polite society.  

  5. I would have thrown my drink on him and told him to get the f' outta here.  If he had anything smart to say about it then def #3.  Sorry for your luck though!

    Edit:  I say throw the drink first so that way when he does threaten you at least he goes to jail too.

  6. ...............ok

  7. There is only one thing that you can do in that situation.

    It's on ,no matter what.

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