
Good Afternoon Wrestling fans, here is a quick survey?

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1- Are you overall happy with the current direction that WWE is going with Raw, SD, and ECW ?

2- Do you think Cm Punks clean win over JBL gives him more credibility as a World Champion ?

3- Do you think Mike Adamle is doing a good job as a "on air" GM ?

4- Do you like the TNA product ? If so, then why or why not ?

5- If you could change 2 things about the WWE product, then what would it be ?




  1. 1 - No, raw needs to be flagship show!!!

    2 - Yes

    3 - No

    4 - No it's boring

    5 - 1) Raw Roaster

         2) Raw's GM  

  2. 1. Very. Smackdown is doing great with Edge, Vickie, Taker, and Triple H. They got alot of talent on that show. RAW is doing pretty well. It'll really get better when Randy Orton comes back. ECW ratings have gone up 50% since Matt Hardy went there. So yeah. They're doing good.

    2. Definately. I thought he had credibility before, but now I think it's even better. No one can say he's a transitional champ because he beat JBL completely clean.

    3. He's doing great. He's had some really good match ideas and it's a LOT better than when he was a commentator.

    4. I like TNA. I think it's got a lot of talent and they have good matches. Their acting could all use a little work, but hey, it keeps me entertained, and my attention span isn't that great.. I actually spaced out twice answering these questions because I started thinking about ice cream . . no joke.

    5. I would change having divas come out to do bikini contests, although I think WWE has stopped that..They need to stop the divas like Maria and Kelly Kelly from modeling and teach them how to WRESTLE. I would also change repetitive matches. Like when we had to see Finlay and Hornswaggle vs. Miz and Morrison about six or seven times. Or when we had to see Cena and Cryme Tyme against JBL, Rhodes and Dibiase. That got annoying.

  3. 1. Happy with Smackdown, not Raw and ECW.

    2. No. CM Punk just gets a big push because he's "straight edge" and WWE wants to help its image.

    3. Better than expected, but not that great.

    4. No, storylines are too hard to follow.

    5. More emphasis on tag team wrestling, less John Cena.

  4. 1.yeah on RAW and SD he needs some more clean wins

    3.yeah he is doing better not that great

    4.i like it and i think there gonna make a name for themselves

    5.make people get pushed by talent and not popularity

  5. not happy with current WWE

    was better in ECW

    He sucks more the a hoover wet / dry vac

    Ring to weird

    Make all events PG 14 for TV and NC 17 for PPV and yes there will be blood matches

  6. 1.Yeah,but RAW has kind of sucked lately.

    2.Yes,and it's about d**n time for C.M. Punk to have gotten over cleanly anyway.

    3.h**l YEAH! During his first day on the job that promo he cut at the start of that episode of RAW i thought was amazing that turely was the first time in a long time that i was actually into a WWE promo,

    4.Yes,because they ALWAYS push the younger talent into somebodies &,when some TNA Superstars are jobbers one episode they're turned into stars the next one.

    5.Stop Triple Hemriods from using his politics to get his a way,and to have more fresher Main Eventers other than Punk.

  7. 1.  Yes

    2.  Yes

    3.  Yes, he really is.

    4.  No, TNA is a second rate piece of garbage and does not even deserve to be compared to the WWE.

    5.  The WWE should not be so kid-oriented, and there should be alot of new contenders for the WWE, ECW, and World Heavyweight Championships...also, bring Smackdown! back to THURSDAYS!!!

  8. 1. Raw-overalll ermmm no, they are focusing on cena and batista instead of the world champ

       SD- Yeahhh

        ECW- I dont even know where they are going

    2. Yeah, but its only JBL, and plus i dont think he has to prove himself that much.

    3. He aight but the whole Ronald Reagan or however you spell his name is getteing real old real fast

    4. Not currently, Id say cut down on the pointless promos, and give us more wrestling, this is supposed to be opposite to WWE

    5. More moves allowed in macthes, less promos, eliminate the crappy barbie doll divas and replace them with women who can actually wrestle. And do different macthes instead of repeating the same old c**p ie. Simply Priceless s Cena an Batista or Cena by himself.

  9. 1-not that much

    2- yes

    3- yes he is

    4- some of the segment are ok and it has a good x-division other than that its bad

    5-hire roh,fcw.nwa,and ovw talents to compete 4 the hardcore and cruiserweight titles, with the new superstars make ecw longer

  10. 1. im not too happy with any of them right now, to be honest.

    2. i do believe and hope so!

    3. only somewhat, he himself is a bad actor

    4. i'm not a fan of TNA

    5.better acting from some superstars and thats about it/

  11. yes



    no it sucks that's why

    get rid of hornwoggle and get jbl to  be commentator again

  12. 1. More or less, yes, I am.  It's not perfect, but it's interesting.

    2. It did until he lost to Jericho, who isn't even in the title picture.  That match did more to damage JBL's credibility than it did to build Punk's.

    3. I think he is.  His "Adamle Originals" have been good, and I think Raw has been way more entertaining since he was given the job.

    4. Yes.  I think they have a very talented roster and put on a good show.  It's very entertaining.

    5. Move more of the guys who aren't being used on Raw & Smackdown to ECW so they can actually be used, and make Smackdown live on Friday nights.

  13. 2. lmao no

  14. No




    Make ECW Roster Bigger causing to bring back the hardcore title, Make ECW 2 Hours Long  

  15. 1. SD = Yes  Raw = Not really  ECW = NO.

    2. Yes it does, but for him to really get over w/the fans, he must beat Cena or Batista.  I think this will happen @ Unforgiven

    3. He's doing good, yes.  I liked the way they said Stef and Shane would do the "major announcement" last night, but instead, Adamle took charge there.  They're doing all they can to get Adamle over, and he's doing his part quite well.

    4. I used to like it alot more, although, I'll admit, my allegiance to TNA is a little dependant upon AJ Styles.  If they're pushing him, I'm watching for sure.  If they're not, I'm not so sure. I dont want to see AJ in anymore d**n turkey suits...that was sad.

    5. Id re-create a Cruiserweight division, and I'd severly limit the number of times that CW's would get squashed by super heavyweights, like the Noble vs. JBL massacre last night.   I'd also make all "divas" learn how to actually wrestle.  If they're unable to compete at a certain level I'd fire them.  Yes, I would copy TNA in the way they use their Women's Division.  Theyre doing it correctly, the WWE is NOT.

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