
Good/Bad temptation?

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ok girls most of you will mock me with this question so if u don't have a sincere answer plz don't answer!

four of us girls are planning to slaughter a pig for pork. It is of a small-medium size but has just grown pretty fat instead of large.

We do not want to sell it and with all respect to all animals, but are very much tempted looking at its fat thighs which i'm sure will yield lots of pork.

Does this make us look like bad women or not "lady like" if we go ahead with it and what are your views on this?




  1. As long as you slaughter the pig yourself. But as soon as you put a bullet in it's head, slash it's throat. You don't want the blood to stay in with the meat. If you know how to butcher it, then by al means, do it. You would save a lot of money. If you know how to smoke the meat, that's more money in your pocket.

    Pork is pretty cheap right now. My husband just sold one, and he didn't get much for it. Good luck.

  2. Do you actually KNOW what you are doing?  Do you know how to butcher it properly?  Can you be sure you are keeping things safe and healthy?  Is there a professional butcher you could take it to?  I would go with the last.  They would have all the sanitary wrappings so that you can freeze the part you won't be eating right away.

    Also, you say that it has grown "fat, instead of large", which makes me wonder whether it is more fatty than meaty.  But that's your deal.

  3. I think it's immature and irresponsible to do it yourself if you have no experience or training. Since you said the pig is fat and not large, chances are that he won't yield as much usable meat as you expect and without formal training you'll be putting him through more pain than he'd otherwise have to endure. At this day and age when raising and slaughtering your own animals is not only unnecessary, but every bit as barbaric as it was centuries ago, why? Just why?
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