
Good Bye Hockey Section ?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't been on in a while (if anyone noticed) I was recently in a bad accident, hit by a drunk driver... I got banged up pretty bad and i was told i would never play hockey again, . I was about to play with the Minnesota White Cap this year. I've been playing hockey since i was five and played varsity,college, and like i said i was gonna play women's pro....

ANYWAYS I am not gonna be on here anymore . The thought of hockey makes me sad. I'm not sure if i can handle the constant questions of what "what gear should i get?" or "How should i prepare for tryouts?" It sounds pathetic but hearing it makes me sad knowing i will never buy new gear, or have another tryout.

I probablly sound insane but for now i can't handle it.

I wanna take this last moment to thank you all for being there for me and helping with my really stupid questions in the past.





  1. wow that must suck i feel so sorry for you, if you were playing since you were five you just love eveything about hockey like even just the enviorment and everything i wold mss so much

  2. Thats so sad. I hope everything gets better for you!  I think after a while watching hockey will become easier for you maybe we'll see you back here again.

    Best wishes, Take Care.


  3. I feel so bad for you.  I couldn't imagine something that I loved to do and would be possibility doing for a long time gone right before your life because some drunk hitting me.  I'm terribly sorry I wish you the best.  Im a minnesota hockey fan and I would of liked to see you play out there.  I'm sure that you would of been amazing.  I've heard from you for my questions that are stupid so don't worry everyone ask dumb questions.

    Go Minnesota Wild.truly hope you get better.  

    Wild win the Stanley cup were the State of Hockey

  4. sorry to hear that, best of luck to you.. keep in contact with us if possible.. and dont worry you'll play again!    :)

  5. aww =(

  6. I hope you come back soon, but I completely understand that you need time off.  We're all going to miss you, and you should know that we all care about you and we're thinking about you.  I hope everything works out for you, and best of luck to all the other things life throws out at you.

  7. You can still stop in and visit any time. Once the season starts the stupid questions seem to die down.

    Take care,


  8. <3 I'll pray for you. I hope you come back around these parts one day, and don't forget your love of the game.

  9. Don't give up on hockey!!! I know it's going to be crazy hard to not be able to play anymore, but if you still love the game don't give up on it! You can still coach or scout or do anything to support the game. You obviously know what you're doing, and I hate to see people quit. Just think about have the opportunity to put more time into teaching young girls or boys to love the game that gave you so much. You can still be part of a team without'll be hard, but it would be worth it and you'd be making a difference!

  10. I'm so sorry about your accident! That's terrible! Maybe one day you'll be able to play hockey again, they probably just mean you can't instantly go back to playing - I hope. Good luck and God bless! We'll miss you...make sure to come back and visit some day!

  11. Very sorry to hear what happend to you. Most unfortunate. Take care in everything you do, and know that we will always be here for you.


  12. I am sorry to hear about your accident.  I am a strong advocate for drinking, but I am strong advocate against drinking and driving.  I hope the person that is responsible for your injuries is in jail.  I also am sorry to hear about the end of your hockey career.  Hopefully the doctors are incorrect, and with physical therapy you one day again, be able to play the game that you love so dearly.  Never give up hope.  Never surrender.

    If you ever want to talk about things, feel free to e-mail me.

  13. Don't give up on hockey.  Wilma Rudolph was told she would never walk normally, let alone run.  And she became an Olympic track and field champion.

    Don't let this be a career ender.  Consider it a minor set-back that will only make you stronger.

  14. I'm sorry. I know the pain is fresh, but think of the Red Wing who had a heart attack (Jiri) and how your life is like his. Both of you can't play what you once loved, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Heck, I never could play hockey, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE  this sport. Please reconsider and stay w/us. If you need to take a hiatus I do understand. We'll leave the light on for you.

    Take care,


  15. I think you just need some time. You can still be around hockey without playing it. There have been countless players that have gone through what you are going through. Maybe looking to coaching or even teaching. You may not be able to play in games anymore( who knows maybe later on that will change) but you can still share your passion for the game and teach it. Good luck. We will be here for you when you need us.


  16. Not pathetic at all.Sorry about your troubles and it's a shame. I too have been in your shoes somewhat. I was playing Jr's living in Rhode Island and had a handful of heartache fall into my lap and turn me away from the ice for a while. Actually it pained me to even watch a game for a while just cause of the "what could have been B.S"

    I spent 20 years of my life training for it then , hid from it for about 8 years. With in the last 5 year I just returned to this great sport of Pucky. When your time is right you will be back around as much as your heart let's you. Whether it be coaching, skating, watching games or introducing the sport to your kids, the time will come.

    Congratulations on all you have achieved and good luck in what ever you move on too.With the desire you have and the drive you have proven up to this point if there is any way to lace them up again I know you will.

    Feel free to stop in and say hi once in a while if you feel up to it.

  17. I'm still very sorry to hear about your accident. You will be in my prayers that maybe one day you can prove everyone wrong and play hockey again. Have you ever read the book "They Don't Play Hockey in Heaven"? Well it's about a man who was a terrific goalie but he found out he had a brain tumor and was forced to retire very early in his life. Eventually later on he laces his skates back up and brings himself back out. It is a very good book. It's a book I reccommend to everyone. If you find yourself in need of something to do; read it.

    You know that if you ever want to come back we'll have to light on your you.....

    Thank You for the time you have spent here, and the knowledge you have helped spread!

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