
Good Cars??

by  |  earlier

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I know this is a lot to ask for and im sure it's totally unrealistic...but im just wondering if there are any types of cars out there that are good cars (aren't at the mechanics every month) relatively cheap, AND look pretty good. Ridiculous i know, but it might be out there. It's my first car and i come from an area where all my friends come from money except me, unfortunately my limit is around 6,000 =/. i want something to at least give the appearance of a nicer car. thnx =D




  1. If you can find a Corolla at that price, it's your best bet. I'd argue that it's the most reliable car on the market.

  2. Anything by Nissan or Toyota. Honda's are also good but a little spendy. If you can find a Chevy Prism, it's the same as a Toyota Corolla with a lower price tag.

  3. Look for a Hatchback. Especially a coupe.

    Here are few that fit the Budget

    Older Toyota Celica

    Honda Civic

    Pontiac Grand Am - I know its not Hatchback.

    Toyota Paseo

    Hyundai Accent
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