
Good Clean Up Stratigies for seven year olds.?

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I need some thing to help me get my seven year old sister to clean herroom and fast




  1. Tell her she has to.  Don't be mean about it and don't get angry. But just tell her she needs to buckle down and do it. If it's not urgent that she does clean it then try this: a reward of some sort if she cleans it, or have her clean up a little at a time, Give her an area of her room that she needs to clean each day.

  2. Make sure she has a place to put everything--a trash can for the garbage, a hamper for her dirty clothes, bookshelves for her books, and a toy box or a set of baskets for her toys, crayons, and other things.  If she puts the things away as she uses them (and clean up should be something that is expected of her every night before she goes to bed), there really shouldn't be much for her to do on a regular basis, other than making her bed in the morning.

  3. This is your sister?  If it is a one time thing, offer her something she wants.  My 7 yr old daughter loves to play with her older siblings toys or games.  She also loves to play beautician (on me) with my old make-up.  Be clear on when the reward will be handed out.  The sooner the better.  If it's a make-over and you don't want to be made-over just yet, pick a date like tomorrow.  Tell her you'll watch her favorite dvd & have some popcorn too, since she has to wait. Be sure you follow thru, no talking on the phone during the dvd.  Your sister wants and deserves your complete attention.  She will be more apt to make deals in the future if you treat her right.

    As far as getting her to clean her room every day, then you really should enlist the help of a parent.  If your parents are willing to supply a reward, but don't want to mess with the rest, then let your sister pick the tasks that need to be done.  You can make suggestions, but she should "own" it.  Rome wasn't built in a day, so neither should acquiring perfect bedroom cleaning skills.  Help her make a chart of daily, and weekly tasks.  Be as generous with stickers or stars as possible for her chart.  To keep her from feeling overwhelmed...A trash can for trash, hamper for dirty clothes, bookshelf for books, boxes or rubber tubs for toys, a plastic chain for stuffed aminals to hang them on, or a pet net to store them in, etc... She may be willing to give older toys to Goodwill.  She & your parents have to be completely happy about getting rid of whatever it is,  This will make the upkeep easier. Good luck.

  4. do a rewards and punishment system and clearly lay out what is expected

    answer my mom wants you to;...

  5. Give a reward to her for a cleaning her room to motivate her =)

  6. 2 dollars a week, no room clean no money!

  7. Tell them it's a game and they are pretending their room is the world and it's littered with so much trash. They need to try to clean it up to make the world beautiful again. You can read them any story about pollution but one that is great is called, "A River Ran Through" and it talks about how a river became polluted and the people had to clean it up. Works every time with my first graders!

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