
Good Credit Card???

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I have never owned a credit card before, but I really need one because I have had quite a few emergencies that I couldnt exactly afford.

So Im lookings for a good credit card

fixed rate

no annual fees

I dont really know what to look for though

what should I be looking for?

Im only 18 living in Cali

I plan on setting a limit for $500

I need it because Im in a hole

my car broke, my dog needs to go to a vet, my rent is due soon, etc.

I need it for emergencies like the one im in now

but what are some good credit cards

I dont wanna hear about how you got in debt, thats very annoying

answers about good credit cards PLEASE!!!!




  1. Sounds like ur just beginning to establish ur credit!

    Hun, its almost impossible for you to get approved for a major credit card at this time coz ur just 18!, i suggest you to ask someone to help you out or ask ur parents or boyfriend/girlfriend (older than you) to add u as an authorized user with their credit card and give u one.

    Or else u can apply for one of the store cards like JC Penney, Macys, etc to establish ur credit history.

  2. That is really an oxymoron. Good luck getting one at 18, I tried and it's almost impossible with what you want out of it.

  3. we use one that pays us back 3% for gasoline purchases, and 1% for everything else.

    but we always pay it off.

    missing a single payment would wipe several years of the 1% benefit.

    ours is a Chase card.

    i see the prediciment you're in.

    most worrisome is the  "etc".

    it would also appear that you're not going to be able to pay it off, and would use it for non-emergency purposes.

    i've told you the card.

    use it well, and you'll have a bit more money.

    mess up and ..........

    good luck.

    btw, i like the money back.  way better than points, that you have to spend on things they allow.  and they set the prices, unlikely to be sale prices.

  4. Chase has some really good ones

    stay away from Citibank, Bank of America, and National City, their service is terrible

  5. Try to get one through your bank. Otherwise Discover or American Express.
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