
Good EASY contraversial topics?

by  |  earlier

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that are EASY to write with little research!


and i dont want to hear ANYTHING about stupid global warming or smoking or immigrants or ozone depletion. i want NO topics that have too many sides to it! like global warming!





  1. I would talk about gun control.  There are essentially two sides to it (those who are pro-guns and those who are against them).  It is relatively easy to write for both sides, given the whole "guns don't kill people" and "well, why are there so many murders" issues...

    It is very hot in the news as well :)

    Yeah...unfortunately it is difficult to find an easy controversial topic, because they are controversial because they are difficult to decide upon ethically, but good luck with your essay!

  2. An "easy controversial" topic is an oxymoron. Good luck with finding one.

  3. Yeahhh Coffee Mug is right...there's no such thing as an 'easy' controversial topic...if the issue were 'easy' then it wouldn't be controversial.

    I guess the easiest (at least from my point of view) would be--

    --Is depression really a disease, or is it just a state of mind?

    --Does the media/celebrities actually perpetuate poor body image among girls, as well as eating disorders?

    --Should felons be allowed to vote?

    --Should the words 'under God' be removed from the Pledge?

    --Should marijuana should be legalized in all 50 states, either for general use or for medical use (your choice) (I would choose medical use...pretty easy to argue for it)

    --Has America's 'War on Drugs' made drug use among Americans worse, or has it actually helped?

  4. Try this link, it lists some topics and also has links to other pages that will give you some pros and cons about each one.

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