
Good Enough to Play?

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I had quadruple bypass surgery this fall. I want to play golf this Spring. They do not use electric carts at the courses where I would play. How good do I need to get at the driving range before playing nine holes? I don't want to be an embarrassment. I was a caddy as a teenager and took lessons a couple of years ago but never had a chance to play.




  1. golf would be a great way to break back into being active again you just have to make sure to listen to your body about how it is feeling and make sure you let you doctor know what you are doing only you and him/her know your true condition

    good luck on the comeback

  2. Don't rush yourself. The best thing to do is follow doctor's orders. Get to the putting green and putt for 15 minutes= 3 days; get to putting green for 20 minutes =3 days; Next get to chipping green = 20 minutes for 3 days; then chipping green again= 20 minutes for 3 days; Now you have consumed 2 full weeks. Now you can start at the driving range, no more than 20  balls per session, Irons only. Do that for another week.If Doc says OK to take full swings, now you can start to play nine holes at a course with carts.

  3. If you don't have a course nearby that has carts, try playing when it is not very busy. Take you time and if you get tired, stop for a little while til you get your second wind.

    The first time I played, I was using a cart and I couldn't finish 18 holes and I had not had surgery. Don't worry about being an embarrassement, worry about having fun and getting back into the game. Good luck.

  4. emailme. Wak it until ur stick breaks

  5. Quadruple bypass??... I would be sitting in the chair watching the sport instead of playing it, I thought for quad you had to have a years rest before straining the heart??..

    But anyways to answer your question, The driving range isnt your problem, it would be the walking in between holes and shots. But hitting the ball 150 up the fairway would get you thru nine holes for the moment, you wont have the swing speed to 'spray' the ball right or left, therefore your 150 straities will be sweet :)

  6. Menehune -

    Just want to commend you....61% best answer with 20,000+ points is pretty awesome!

    As far as your golf goes....why not find a course that allows carts? That would make it much easier on you...especially if the course is hilly.

    Good Luck on your comeback to golf and your comeback from surgery!!
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