
Good GED Prep course on DVD?

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Hello. Can any of you suggest a *good* GED prep course on DVD? Books are fine as long as they are companions to a DVD course. I am looking for something that goes into great depth on all subjects relevent to the GED. Cost is not an issue.

Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks :)




  1. No personal experience, unfortunately, but I got a lot of hits with this search:

    I seem to recall that Blockbuster had some of those titles available for rental when we were members of their Netflix-type program. Netflix is pretty thin on the educational titles, but Blockbuster has Standard Deviants titles (and if they have GED prep, I'd recommend them - all their stuff is great) and others.

    There's a DVD rental group that specializes in educational rentals, but I can't recall the name at the moment. I'll look it up for you, if you like.

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