
Good Golf Workout?

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im 14 and 5"4 and weigh 130 i can hit a drive 210.Im a freshman and im trying to make the jv team the year.I shot a 51 today and i just started playing golf last year. Can you guys give me some exercises and drills to get better at golf




  1. Concentrate on building your base (legs) and core (abs, back, chest).

    Legs: squats, lunges, running, leg lifts, etc.

    Abs/Back: crunches, sit-ups, anything that works your obliques to help with all the twisting you'll encounter in golf; supermans, other LIGHT exercises for your back - don't over do it!

    Chest: bench press (level, incline, decline), butterfly press, push-ups

    Check Men's Health for other exercise ideas.

    One other tip: work on your balance and flexibility - range of motion is important in most sports, but comes into play quite a bit in golf. Keep yourself limber and flexible and you'll get an extra power boost.

  2. You shot a 51? You must be talking about 9 holes.

  3. Hit the gym

  4. lots of push ups, sit ups and hand held weights is a good start. At your age you should be lifting much weight I would say about 2 kg weights would be good for you. :)

  5. Practice your short game. Learn the proper way to chip and putt and the rest of it will take care of itself.
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