
Good Gravel?

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I want to put colored gravel in my aquarium but I was wondering if there was a reliable brand or brands I should aviod. I have read that some brands of colored gravel can turn the water the color they are or just really mess the tank up so I was wondering if any of you knew from personal experience what brands you would recommend or warn against.




  1. One of the most important elements in the aquarium will be the substrate. This not only forms an essential part of the habitat for the fish, but also provides anchorage for the roots of aquarium plants and a surface on which beneficial bacteria can develop.

    Most freshwater aquariums use gravel as the substrate, since the water passes through it easily. Aquarium gravel is available in various grain sizes, but make sure that the gravel you choose is appropriate for the fish you intend to keep. The large stone of course-grained gravel, for example, will not be suitable for fish that habitually dig in the substrate, bury themselves in it, or sift the stones in search of food.

    When buying gravel, bear in mind that a layer of about 2 inches is needed to create the bed, so allow roughly 2 lbs of gravel per gallon of tank capacity. Although aquarium gravel is prewashed, this does not mean that it is necessarily clean enough for the tank. Rinse it thoroughly to remove all traces of sediment; otherwise, you may find that a muddy scum forms on water when you fill the aquarium disinfectant, to reduce the likelihood of introducing disease or parasites into the tank.

    Now with all that out of the way if you want colored gravel the best way to go would either be yellow or blue since those are very attractive. But beware of certain types of dyed gravel, because strong colors may distract from the appearance of the fish.

    Good Luck!

  2. search for 1 that is acrylic coated. ask the lfs guy which is best. and always wash it off before you put it in your tank.

  3. As long as you wash it thoroughly before putting it in the tank and don't rinse with hot water, it will be fine.
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