
Good Morning/Afternoon, Its time for another...

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  1. 1. Do you Think your Team will Make the Playoffs? Not at all...we were supposed to...we were supposed to win the division easily with the team we had this year, but 20/25 of those on the opening day roster have missed time to injury (3 of them being out for the season with injuries)

    2. Do you have Playoff Tickets Reserved for your Team? Nope

    3. Who do you want your Team to Pick up During the Off Season? We're gonna pick up a #1 pitcher to fill our ace's absence from Tommy John. Plus, we now have some free money. Ben Sheets, CC Sabathia, and John Lackey would all be nice if their teams don't re-sign them.

    4. Will You Be Watching the Little League World Series? I don't know who's in probably not...

    5. Do you think Barry Bonds will come back to the MLB? Possibly down the stretch...he's only asking for the minimum...expect an AL team is anyone though...

    6. Who is your least favorite player? Carlos Beltran or Jimmy Rollins

    7. What is your team's Best Moment? This season or of all time? I support the Braves, so we have a h**l of a lot of great name a few: Hank Aaron hitting #715, Miracle in the 9th (Bream sliding in safe to send us to the WS and capping a worst to first season), Otis Nixon's catch over the wall, '95 World Series title...

    8. At a baseball game, Have you even seen a Fight breakout, or somebody run out on the Field? Not a fan run out on the field no...not a fight either...our team hasn't gotten into a fight for as long as I can remember...closest we came was when Tim Hudson showed bunt and Johan Santana threw it at his face...even then, fight wasn't very close...

    Random Question: Do you Think Kobe and LeBron will go to Europe? If they offer more money, probably...

  2. 1. Considering they added Manny and Penny is back, I think they have a chance

    2. No

    3. A 2nd baseman, since Kent is probably retiring and they don't have any in the farm system

    4. Nope, doesn't really interest me

    5. God I hope not

    6. ^^ It was Bonds

    7. 1988 World Series

    8. I've seen a fight breakout, but it wasn't to bad

    RQ: Kobe better not, d**n it! He owes the Lakers so much, and I seriously would lose my respect for him if be bolted for 50 mil

  3. 1.  I hope so.  Don't stop believin'!

    2.  No, I would just be watching on t.v unless we win some tickets!

    3.  Perhaps another starter since Contreras went down :(

    4.  If it is on a non-cable channel.

    5.  Yes, but he will not be as good and people will forget about him.

    6.  Hard to say, I guess Carlos Zambian really annoys me.  A good pitcher, but he throws a temper tantrum every time he does poorly.  Show some restraint!  I mean do you really have to throw all the Gatorade coolers?!

    7.  Probably the 2005 World Series.

    8.  No, but I could have been at the White Six vs. Cubs game where AK Sierpinski got into a fight with Barrett.  I had to miss it for a softball game.

    Random Question- Nope.

    Thanks, that was fun!

  4. 1. Do you Think your Team will Make the Playoffs? I am not giving up hope yet. The Yankees still have a chance to win the Wild Card but it's not going to be easy.

    2. Do you have Playoff Tickets Reserved for your Team? Nope.

    3. Who do you want your Team to Pick up During the Off Season? Pitching, Pitching, Pitching!! I am really not too picky but there should be a large emphasis on pitching this off season.

    4. Will You Be Watching the Little League World Series? No.

    5. Do you think Barry Bonds will come back to the MLB? I don't know. I just don't see a team actually signing him.

    6. Who is your least faveorite player? Curt Schilling.

    7. What is your team's Best Moment? It is hard to narrow it down to just one moment with the Yankees. I'll say getting Babe Ruth because it is believed that is what set forth our winning of all those World Series.

    8. At a baseball game, Have you even seen a Fight breakout, or somebody run out on the Field? I saw someone run on the field at Fenway Park once and Yankee Stadium.

    Random Question: Do you Think Kobe and LeBron will go to Europe? Maybe.

  5. YAY!

    1. I think they could, but only by wild card.

    2. No

    3. Better relievers.

    4. No probably not.

    5. No

    6. I don't have one.

    7. I don't know, there are too many. lol

    8. When I was actually there? No

    I don't know, I don't follow NBA. lol

  6. 1. Do you Think your Team will Make the Playoffs?  Cubs--yes, Yankees--no

    2. Do you have Playoff Tickets Reserved for your Team?  not yet

    3. Who do you want your Team to Pick up During the Off Season?  The Yankees need to go shopping for pitchers.  CC Sabathia

    4. Will You Be Watching the Little League World Series?  yeppers

    5. Do you think Barry Bonds will come back to the MLB?  he wants to but no one will give him the chance

    6. Who is your least faveorite player? Schilling

    7. What is your team's Best Moment?  Winning the 1908 World Series

    8. At a baseball game, Have you even seen a Fight breakout, or somebody run out on the Field?  yeppers

    Random Question: Do you Think Kobe and LeBron will go to Europe?  it would be great for the game but I don't think that the Europeans have the money.

  7. Baseball Survey!

    1. Do you Think your Team will Make the Playoffs?- The Yankees need to speed it up and realize time is running out

    2. Do you have Playoff Tickets Reserved for your Team?- no i wish lo

    3. Who do you want your Team to Pick up During the Off Season?- PITCHING

    4. Will You Be Watching the Little League World Series?- maybe

    5. Do you think Barry Bonds will come back to the MLB?- i think he wont

    6. Who is your least faveorite player?- Curt Schilling

    7. What is your team's Best Moment? all the 26 ws  lol, but i think the 1998 season

    8. At a baseball game, Have you even seen a Fight breakout, or somebody run out on the Field?-no , but i seen it happen at a soccer game lol

    Random Question: Do you Think Kobe and LeBron will go to Europe?- i think they will becuase of MONEY

    Thanks for Answering!

    Stars make better Answers!

  8. 1. Do you Think your Team will Make the Playoffs?  yup :)

    2. Do you have Playoff Tickets Reserved for your Team? nope :(

    3. Who do you want your Team to Pick up During the Off Season? no one we have too much already.. the problem is who do we let go :(

    4. Will You Be Watching the Little League World Series? maybe, probably

    5. Do you think Barry Bonds will come back to the MLB? i think he will but i hope not

    6. Who is your least faveorite player? mmm well i dunno i don't think i really have one.. i don't like players that have huge egos

    7. What is your team's Best Moment? hmm from my lifetime.. 2002 WS

    8. At a baseball game, Have you even seen a Fight breakout, or somebody run out on the Field? nope, i want to see a fight though..

    Random Question: Do you Think Kobe and LeBron will go to Europe? probably not

  9. 1. yes

    2. i wish, i had them last year for game 4....stupid boston swept us!! ):

    3. i want cabrera && kotchman backk!!

    4. mayybe(: i love those little guyys

    5. its possiblee

    6. a rod - he's hot thoughh(:

    7. hmm...everyy game, cause its just another halo victoryy

    8. ive seen a fight breakoutt between fans yess...haha dont you just love to watch everyone get drunk?!

    9. mayybee

  10. 1. Do you Think your Team will Make the Playoffs? --Nope

    2. Do you have Playoff Tickets Reserved for your Team? --Nope, because they're not going to the play-offs

    3. Who do you want your Team to Pick up During the Off Season? Anyone that's a good power hitter

    4. Will You Be Watching the Little League World Series? --yeeppp

    5. Do you think Barry Bonds will come back to the MLB? --Possibly. I think he wants to.

    6. Who is your least faveorite player? --idk. A-Rod i guess

    7. What is your team's Best Moment? --Ever or this year? Ever, when they had the 20 game winning streak, it was exciting. This year when they had all their offense not on the DL and started hitting really well, but now most of the good offense is on the DL =[

    8. At a baseball game, Have you even seen a Fight breakout, or somebody run out on the Field? --Yeppp

    Random Question: Do you Think Kobe and LeBron will go to Europe? --Probably

  11. 1. Do you Think your Team will Make the Playoffs? totally i always have faith in my STROS

    2. Do you have Playoff Tickets Reserved for your Team? no, im poor

    3. Who do you want your Team to Pick up During the Off Season? i would like jeff bagwell to have a miraculous recovery and come back

    4. Will You Be Watching the Little League World Series? sure

    5. Do you think Barry Bonds will come back to the MLB? i hope not

    6. Who is your least faveorite player? its a tie between jeeter and a-rod

    7. What is your team's Best Moment? i would have to say in 2005 when we made it into the world series for the first time!

    8. At a baseball game, Have you even seen a Fight breakout, or somebody run out on the Field?  i actually ran onto the field and jumped on jeff bagwell. the night i spent in jail was well worth it.

  12. 1. Unfortunately not.  (Hopes are still high though)

    2. No.

    3. Pitching

    4. A little bit

    5. No.

    6. Johnathon Papelbon

    7. In history?  Wow.  I don't know.  Maybe,  1948?  1920?  1954?

    8. While I was there?  I've seen managers argue, but no brawls.

    RQ:  What are you talking about?  No.

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